ALL Kim Kardashian Look Requests/Recommendations go HERE!


Re: Kim Kardashian eyes

ya i was looking there but i dunno..i think the event shes at was pretty recent so they prob wont have anything about it up for a while


Well-known member
Re: Kim Kardashian eyes

Originally Posted by Kimmi201
ya i was looking there but i dunno..i think the event shes at was pretty recent so they prob wont have anything about it up for a while

She's pretty fast with her updates. Plus she answers questions about what she wore. Send her a note. Her makeup artist also has a blog. HTH


Well-known member
Re: Kim Kardashian eyes

I saw keeping up with the K's for the first time the other night and her eyes always looked GREAT. Thanks for the thread!


Well-known member
Re: Kim Kardashian eyes

Originally Posted by Pythia
What has she on her lips?

*~*MAC Angel l/s & *lots* of Nars Turkish Delight l/g...HTH!!


Well-known member
Re: Kim Kardashian eyes

I find Angel comes out fairly pinky on me. Never tried with Turkish Delight.
Myth and Oyster Girl seems to give a fairly similar colour on me though, have been playing around to see what's good.


Active member
Re: Kim Kardashian eyes

I know she uses Tan pigment which this looks like to me. I also know that she uses Honey lust, which it could be. She uses Embark too. It is Angel on the lips and Turkish Delight also.


Active member
Re: Kim Kardashian eyes

looks like a tan pigment and embark e/s , she said in her blog that she love theses 2 for browns/golds looks


Well-known member
Re: Another Kim K look...

Maybe .. Lid- parfait amour
tear ducts ( inner corner of eye)- forgery
crease- a little shadowy lady ??
I'm guessing , but dang, this sounds good, I never tried this combo but I will now!!


Well-known member
Re: Another Kim K look...

Looks like parfait amour?? But I dunno, it looks a little grey-ish to be that. Pretty darn close though!
I'm pretty darn sure shes wearing the 6 lash.
Looks like she's for sure used something similar to the mac eyebrows in lingering. I loooove that of my favs!


Well-known member
Re: Another Kim K look...

Originally Posted by TDoll
Looks like parfait amour?? But I dunno, it looks a little grey-ish to be that. Pretty darn close though!
I'm pretty darn sure shes wearing the 6 lash.
Looks like she's for sure used something similar to the mac eyebrows in lingering. I loooove that of my favs!

Yeah very close to parfait amour, I think if you blend a tad bit of shadowy lady with the parfait you will get that greyish look!


Well-known member
Re: Another Kim K look...

OK so I just checked my stash , ( I know OCD on this look) I think Pandamonium would look good also instead of shadowy lady, it has the sparkle and the grey look to it. HTH


Well-known member
Re: Another Kim K look...

Originally Posted by couturesista
Yeah very close to parfait amour, I think if you blend a tad bit of shadowy lady with the parfait you will get that greyish look!

I'll have to try that!

Is it just me, or do those little baby hairs around her hairline look kinda gross?? I don't get that whole look. Why would you want to emphasize that?? Otherwise, she is gorgeous!

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