i wanted to ask you as you seem a perfume pro to me - which bottles you usually buy? I stick to 30 ml, cause i dont get bored of it, it still lasts, and its easy to carry in a bag... Still, some of them i ran out of :/
Originally Posted by Alibi i wanted to ask you as you seem a perfume pro to me - which bottles you usually buy? I stick to 30 ml, cause i dont get bored of it, it still lasts, and its easy to carry in a bag... Still, some of them i ran out of :/
I would only get a 30ml if I know it will take me awhile to use. There are ones that I LOVE and some that i really like. I would usually try to get a 50ml but only get a 100ml if they do nothing smaller. I never buy 100ml by choice. NO matter the size... I still carry my perfume in my purse.
Girllll you have some good taste!!!! i love perfume i myself am a collector!! we have many simliarr tastesss one perfume i noticed i didnt see was "lolita lempika" yeahh i know its a weird name but its amazinngggg stop by sephora or macys for a little tastee.... im also gonna have to try some of yourss