All of a sudden I feel ... self conscious :/


Well-known member
OK so I am dating a guy and it has gotten to the point where I know we are bound to sleep together or at least do some heavy fooling around, and he regularly works out and has a body that could be on a magazine cover. I mean seriously. I am not overweight but I need to tone up, I have had 2 kids a few years ago (not an excuse, I know) and I have some areas in need of work. Now when I am wearing clothes you don't notice these areas, but of course getting down with him there's no hiding them ! Am I crazy to all of a sudden be feeling this self conscious? He says I am beautiful and I look really good so am I dwelling on it to much? Do guys really notice every little flaw ... I guess I just needed to vent and hear that I am maybe not alone ! THANKS!
And yes, I am going to get back on the workout bandwagon ! My butt/thighs mostly.


Well-known member
Honey I have to sleep with the likes everynight...I am so hard on my body because my husband's body looks like it should be in a magazine...But trust me they don't look at us and see what we see or how we feel about ourselves...With all my flaws my husband loves my body...even though I most times hate it....A person who genuinely cares for you looks past the superficial....Although I do work my ass off trying to keep it right because I am self conscious as well.


Well-known member
If one of the ladies on the picture is you then let me tell are tripping! We are our own worst critics and we notice things that they dont see. I think a lot of times they are just happy to be getting some they dont care. Especially if you cant see it in clothes it cant be as bad as you are thinking. What I do know is that what he will notice more than your body is your confidence. Maybe before anything with him goes down you should have some time to appreciate your own body. I mean get something sexy, oil yourself up and put on some sexy pumps! Look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate how beautiful you are. Then when the time comes you will feel like your the sh*t!! And he will feed off that and feel like you are too. Believe me he will probably be nervous too...wondering if he will be able to satisfy you and if he is large enough or will he stay up long enough and all those little things. So just relax and know that if he is dating you he must think that your beautiful.


Well-known member
seriously i odn't think you have anything to worry about. your guy will be focusing on pleasing you rather than any wobble you may have. plus i think ladies are harder on themselves than what guys are. i mean some of my friends have the perfect figures for bikinis - yet all refuse to wear them because they have jiggly bits. and honestly when i look at them i can see the smallest amount of jiggle - but not the extent they think they have! i bet if i had a figure like yours i'd be naked all the time!

i'm a bigger girl and i've lost about 1.5 stone in weight so far. but even though i'm big i don't feel self concious about it with my hubby - who has a body like zac efron minus the abs (and face!)

when the time is right you'll be more concerned about having fun. just don't worry about it. if you want to tone up then do but i promise you your guy won't be noticing!

and Tish - you are one hot lady! you shouldn't be so hard on yourself!


Well-known member
I wish I had a great answer for you, but I am going through the same thing. I've just started dating a guy with an amazing body. I'm so afraid once the clothes are off he will see all my flaws!!


Well-known member
If he thinks you're beautiful and you've been together a while then I doubt he's saying it just to get you into bed.

Mr RR has always had a toned muscly body and could easily be on the cover of GQ magazine and I used to be fat. I've slimmed down but I'm not stick thin and I still feel at times that he could be with someone far slimmer and be having a better time. It gets better with time though, you realise that he does mean what he says and you're overthinking it. I don't think there's a woman out there who isn't critical of her body but I say just go with it

I stress about part of my body which Mr RR doesn't even notice


Well-known member
Every single woman in the whole wide world has her body issues! EVERY SINGLE ONE! Most days I am perfectly content looking in the mirror, seeing my big ol' jiggly butt and thighs, and still know that my husband doesn't care when it comes down to it. But there are days...
I've dated men in all shapes and sizes, I myself am six foot tall and built a bit like a Dallas Cowboy lineman. But damnit, if I walk into a room with my head held high, and a smile on my face, thinking that I'm the bee's knees, I will walk out of the same room with eyes following me. It's all about the confidence, and that's with a wedding ring on my finger.
What I'm telling you, is that he's with YOU, he wants YOU, when you're naked he doesn't pick apart your body the way that you do. Hold your head up high and be confident, because all that man is thinking is, "Oh my God, she got nekkid for me! Hells YES!"


Well-known member
YOUR A MILF! Thats why he's attracted to you. If he didn't think your were gorgeous, he would have never started talking to you. I know exactly how you feel. After having my kids, I let myself go (for like 45 minutes). lol Now I try to work out but nothing works. My ass is always going to big! I dont even care anymore. Good luck! I am sure he will still drool over your when he sees you naked.


Well-known member
Haha. What the others say is true. However, I think attitude, humor, brains and all that is just as important. I would much rather date a guy that was plain, smart and the wittiest person ever than a guy that was drop dead gorgeous and a selfish, discriminant retard.

However, working out was never a bad thing. It keeps you fit and healthy. There is no such thing as a "perfect woman" or a "perfect body." I say, just take good care of what you have and do your best.

Guys don't usually seem to care that much if you have an extra pinch of fat here and there that you just can't get rid of. And guys that would complain aren't worth your time. Seriously, they could probably find debatable flaws even in the most beautiful woman. It's kind of a psychological thing used to beat girls down and make them feel like they're lesser and allow the guy to manipulate them. Any decent guy that loves you for you would love all of you. =]