Really, this is your first CT product? I love the first palette very much. I don't have anything else. 4 palettes - 2 of each lol
It is! You cannot get CT in Canada except for at Holt Renfrew. I missed out on the first palette and HR doesn't seem to get the limited releases. I think it's a good first purchase!
CT is harder to find in Canada then Tom Ford. And even if you have a Holt in your city it doesn't mean they will carry the brand and they just started, like 2 year ago, to take order online. Canadian retailers are so late in the game concerning E-store and THEN they are all frustrated that Canadians shop to much online on USA based store, duh!
I have the bronze and glow and pillow talk. Both are good. I wouldn't say spectacular earth shattering, though. They say the airbrush flawless finish is good. I wasn't impressed by my sample of wonder cream.
Those are my 2 cents opinion!
Thanks much appreciate. and that why I haven't run to purchased a CT product yet, little information and reviews (and most of it are pr affiliated people that just hype up the product and those who are more ''independent'' seem to think it is a nice to have but without much excitement.
My palette came today! Along with the sculpting palette and one of the new blushes! I can't wait to try them out tomorrow. Trishalee from AGlitteryLife on Youtube said to use the Chroma Crystals with a finger. I think she said they are meant to be toppers. I'm not certain about that last part though. I need to watch the video again. I could be thinking of the Tom Ford duos. I don't know. I watched an obscene amount of Youtube videos this weekend. Great pics!
BTW - You asked which Wayne Goss brushes I bought and I keep forgetting to check the numbers. I'll try again tomorrow.
Ooh I want this but I think I better wait a bit. I wouldn't mind waiting except that I know these will sell out. Oh phooey. I'm just sorry I never ordered that big fat eye brush. I don't know what I would do with it but it was so unusual looking. This sets looks way different from the previous set. I like that Wayne said some of the brushes were good for hooded eyes.
yes I watch her, and yes I used my finger to used the chroma crystals ... it stayed on my lid but transfer a little on my upper crease but not on my cheeks. I think you can use them on the lid by it self but with fix + or a glitter glue. Nice Haul I want to see your swatches too! I'm not interested in face product as i pretty satisfied with what I have already and with my 2 Kevin Auction sculpting powder (light and Medium) I covered all my sculpting need for my face.
I can't wait to purchased more Wayne Goss brushes I really want same face brush to come back in Stock those are taking the longest time to come back!