Ladies allow me to vent b/c I don't have anywhere else to do so. I lost my damn wallet in the mall a couple of hours ago. The one time I decide to put it in my bag as opposed to my pocket. I had it one minute and it's gone the next. I left the movie theater and something said just go home, but I'm like nah. Went back in the mall to go to Victoria's Secret. I went to checkout and wallet is gone. I had it when I left the theater so I'm turning everything inside out, my bag, the other shopping bag. Nothing. Sometimes I have a little panic attack, but I always find my wallet quick. Retraced my steps, asked around, looked for shady people and nothing. My memory is fuzzy because there was nothing out of the ordinary, but I assume I was moving around in my bag before I got to the counter and at some point the wallet flipped out w/o me noticing. Of course no one has the decency to give your stuff back. In my wallet was my driver's license, my bus card (yes because I hate to drive), my debit card, my VIB rouge and Starbucks card. So I stopped the debit card ASAP, but someone is going to get some free latte's and if they are sophisticated enough, some nice Sephora treats if I don't find a way to close those things down. I need to make calls. You know a bus card is damn near $100 b/c I get 4 zones. So someone can ride all around the garden state on my dime. They stop selling cards after the 10th so I'm assed out for the rest of month. I'll either have to drive or become one of those people fumbling for change for the rest of the month. The biggest pain in my ass is my license. Seriously, you could leave that behind? You got a nice Marc Jacobs wallet, too. People, ugh. I'm not mother teresa, but I'm not keeping someone else's license. For what? I hope they don't decide to come kill me. Anyway. Today is 9/11 and I have a lot of blessings in my life. I got this little bit of rage, but the perspective will come in and I'll be fine. It just bothers me that I've found wallets before and never have I thought to just get away with it. That's so shady. Oh and I had to have someone meet me at home to pay a cab $50 b/c I had ZERO dollars on me.
