All Things Sephora


Well-known member

OMG!!!! You two are sooooo freakin cute....I can't stand it!!!! I want to be with my Specktra peeps too!!!! LOVE it


Well-known member
I am crazy the opposite.... so I would see you & scream SiS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & hug you & then we would go eat & shop

And maybe go make some lippies in the Bite lab together

I'm so addicted to this experience. I can't wait to get back.

Quote: Originally Posted by pretty_melody

If I had a friend in real life who would do that with me. I'd be over the moon!
Girl me too!


Well-known member
Today I realized that my YSL Touche Eclat foundation and the Smashbox Oil-Free Primer (which I am sampling right now) do not play well together. It just wasn't a disaster, just not as lovely as it's looked in past days. It has lasted a nice long time though. Le sigh. The primer struggle is oh so real.  Oh and the Sephora Cream Lipstain in Blackberry Sorbet is so pretty! 
Have you tried Becca? I love it.


Well-known member
Oh my gosh you guys are so adorable!!!!  How much fun is this! You have a happy foot I guess :lol:
She was modeling those kick a$$ boots!
Look at y'all. Cute! I wish I could bump into people I talk to on here. Then again, I'm socially awkward so that probably wouldn't go the way I imagine.
That's what I told @shizzelly before I met her. Haha. I'm always afraid of how people are going to take my sense of humor and then sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me and I clam up.
:love: it would be nice to meet fellow specktra ladies in real life! We should plan an event! Or meet up at one!
I was just going to say we should meet up for NYC IMATS, but someone beat me to the punch!
I called them and explained. She putme on hold 4 times and after 20 minutes i hang up
Complain on Facebook, that usually gets their attention.
OK, it was a defective bottle, not a defective Starletta. New bottle acquired, along with a few other goodies to soothe my soul (like the mask I'm currently wearing).
I'm actually lol'ing right now! I'm picturing you with rubber gloves, grips, a vice. Haha.


Well-known member
[@]Sabrunka[/@] I thought I'd try to cheer you up with what happened to me Saturday. First, I'll show you guys some nice pictures.
Now let me explain what is happening here. We had our pantry remodeled 2 years ago; new shelves, bottom cabinets and a ceramic tile floor. Our front porch is right directly above our pantry, but it was old and my fiancé (pictured above) wanted to replace it with a nice concrete porch since he has his own concrete company he could do it with his own team. Saturday he finally made the time to get this done so I'm hearing the concrete truck outside, guys running around finishing up the forms and rebar, it was hectic. I was in the living room watching a movie with my daughter when it sounded like 300 pounds of concrete came crashing into my pantry. Now wait a minute.............IT DID!!!! I heard a wall explode, my cabinets got yanked off the wall and pushed across the room and there was 3 inches of concrete piling up and showed no signs of slowing down. It was 40 degrees outside and I went running out in my pjs and socks, my 3 year old daughter ran out behind me in her t shirt and underwear and I'm screaming, "The f^


Well-known member
Aw. I love seeing your meet-up pictures. You ladies all look so good. I like that we have such a positive community here. I always wish that I had friends who liked makeup as much as me, but it's nice to have Specktra to come home to after a long work day and find like-minded people. Granted you all are not good for my budget or wallet at this point in time....


Well-known member
Aw. I love seeing your meet-up pictures. You ladies all look so good. I like that we have such a positive community here. I always wish that I had friends who liked makeup as much as me, but it's nice to have Specktra to come home to after a long work day and find like-minded people. Granted you all are not good for my budget or wallet at this point in time....
Most of my friends think my love for makeup is crazy so this is the only place I can let my freak flag fly too! Even a lot of the girls at the stores and counters aren't as into it as I am.


Well-known member
Has anyone seen these brushes before? It says new, but they're in the sale section for half off. I tried to get them, but then it says they don't carry it. Dang, I was hoping to score a deal.


Well-known member
I received my FnF packages today! I am in love with my Viseart palettes (Sultry Muse and Dark Mattes), Becca blush Songbird and the Lancome Grandiose gift set are are lovely. The Bite rewind lip crayon set is nice not as great as i hoped for some reason. Bunch of other stuff mixed in as well. Good haul for the sale. Getting my cart ready for VIB.
:cheer: :yahoo: :pompom:


Well-known member
A few of us did at this years IMATS NYC. We should do it again next year!
I know u guys has a good time! Sad that I missed out :( but yes, there is next year! I'm there, Insha'Allah!
I would LOVE to meet you! [@]Shars[/@] says she's coming back for a makeup event in May I believe, not IMATS, something else. We should all go whoever is here or can come.
Awww, Id love to meet you too! I'm in ATL, but I'd happily make the trip to NYC!!! Meeting some ladies on here plus shopping would be so much fun!!! Seriously, keep me posted about the dates please!


Well-known member
Guys... I may have to return all of the stuff I bought :( I just got into a bad accident this morning (I'm okay, except for very sore knees) and my car is totalled... And we don't have collision insurance, and it is probably registered as my fault (even though I don't see it that way).  I'm so devastated... But by the looks of my car, I could've been WAY worse in terms of my health.  I gotta save as much money as possible now as I have no car, and being a student making minimum wage is tough.  Bye bye balls :eek:hboy:  .  If anyone has suggestions for me to save money or what I could do, please help me out here!!
That's so scary. Im glad you're okay! i hope your family helps you out.


Well-known member
Omg hahahaa! And Jersey is like a far away place for me :haha:
It's like Narnia, huh? :haha:
I didn't even post the picture of me and [@]shizzelly[/@] on here! You just reminded me!
Why's everyone so cute? And of course, Sephora bags. :haha:
:flower: :frenz: I thought maybe then I could get your secret recipe for the Cherry lipstick :evil: :bigheart:
:lol: :bigthumb: I went to Sephora and played some more to get an idea of what I want. Still, I feel like my total is too high. :crazy:


Well-known member
Ok so it looks like I have several takers for the challenge! Don't be scared, it only requires research. :) So for the back story.... This weekend while in training (Im going to be an artist soon :)), we talked about some of the brands and the founders of the brands and how the brands came to be. Did you know the Urban Decay's founder was a surfer and the inspiration behind the brand was waterproof makeup? (Perversion is one of my HGs) So when I learned this, I thought this would be a great discussion piece in our forum. We makeup junkies spend a great deal of time and money on makeup. I thought that sometimes the stories behind the brand and owners would be so helpful and add to the experience we all love.        So here's your challenge should you choose to accept it...
  1. Whats your favorite brand? (It could be more than one)
  2. Does your brand have an interesting story?
  3. Did your learn anything to enhance your experience?
  4. What would you recommend everyone to try( I know we talk about this daily in the forum but its nice to know what is a MUSt have)
You guys don't have to answer the questions particularly. Those are just ideas to help. The main focus of the challenge is to have an understanding of the products and brands you spend your hard earned money on so you can be better informed consumers. ANd of course, help others learn something new! I'm accepting the challenge. Im interested in hearing all of the responses from you guys! Update you guys on my brand soon..
Challenge accepted!! My favorite brand is NARS. I think François NARS is a true artist and innovator and I love how classic yet edgy his collections are. NARS was my first high end blush, and I never turned back. NARS Torrid :heart: , to this day my favorite blush of all time. If I had to recommend any product it'd be their blushes.

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