I love their facial cleanser, the Vitamin D oil, the moisturizing cream, the eye serum and eye cream, the Vitamin C serum, etc..... I love everything they make. My absolute fav is their Alpha Beta Daily Peel.Which Dennis Gross stuff do you recommend?
Yeah okay.That was funny, Noah. The only thing EO will ever run low on is SPACE and UPS trucks to deliver it all.
ompom: :cheer: BTW- Glad to hear that you are feeling better today.
I only have one YSL lipstick is the rouge pur couture 52, but i have to exfoliate and mosturize my lips very well befor applying it because is very drying on my lips and emphasize dryiness and fine lines, i love the color but i almost never wear itSince I'm planning to purchase mauvember it's justified to stick to a mauve theme and also order ysl rouge pur couture in mauve nihilist right? Are the ysl lipsticks really worth the 39 cad
It sounds like a skip for me then. I already have pretty dry lips. Thanks for your inputI only have one YSL lipstick is the rouge pur couture 52, but i have to exfoliate and mosturize my lips very well befor applying it because is very drying on my lips and emphasize dryiness and fine lines, i love the color but i almost never wear it
Ah, gotcha. Yeah I honestly am not a big fan of ebates because of that one thing. I want to be able to choose when I get my rebate. I prefer to save my rebates up until I have a large sum, before a sale or something. I don't want to just get back $10 here and there. I only use ebates when the cash back is higher, which isn't too often. I find Mr Rebates cash back higher most of the time for where I usually shop.Based on my email history, it seems like they only do it once a year. Sephora does another in spring though (15% off) so at least there's that! Ebates is every 90 days but if I make a purchase today (Friday) and the cut off is say next Monday, that rebate gets added to my payment. With Mr. Rebates, it's 90 days from receipt of each rebate. So if you're trying to get a lump sum, you have to wait until 90 days from the last time you shopped. If you're anything like me, you're shopping all the time so it gets cumbersome waiting. E.g. I have rebates in my Mr. Ebates account ranging from early August until now. But I can't cash them in because I have to wait 90 days. My August ones won't be available until November - my October ones won't be available until January. Whereas with Ebates, every rebate I earned between July and September, I get now! So with Ebates, you get your money quicker. The only thing I prefer with Mr. Rebates over Ebates, is that with Mr. Rebates, I can choose when to request my payment. So I could save my Mr. Rebates cash for a whole year and then cash in. With Ebates, I don't have that option - there's always a payment every three months. Hmmm. You may need to call them. I don't see why some users get the option and others don't!
Since I'm planning to purchase mauvember it's justified to stick to a mauve theme and also order ysl rouge pur couture in mauve nihilist right? Are the ysl lipsticks really worth the 39 cad
Yeah I don't love strong scentssure why not. I've been looking at that YSL shade. I personally like them but they do have a scent.![]()
Thank you- there are so many products, I wanted to try something from his line but I'm not sure where to start. Good to know the whole line seems good.️I love their facial cleanser, the Vitamin D oil, the moisturizing cream, the eye serum and eye cream, the Vitamin C serum, etc..... I love everything they make. My absolute fav is their Alpha Beta Daily Peel.
Absolutely! I find them extremely comfortable to wear and are long-lasting on me. I'm wearing Rouge Pur Couture 58, a plummy pink right now. They're heavily scented but it dissipates quickly.Since I'm planning to purchase mauvember it's justified to stick to a mauve theme and also order ysl rouge pur couture in mauve nihilist right? Are the ysl lipsticks really worth the 39 cad
I love them too & I don't mind the scent. Once it's applied I no longer smell the fragrance.sure why not. I've been looking at that YSL shade. I personally like them but they do have a scent.![]()
I'm addicted to exfoliators, and the grittier, the better. Do I need this one too?I also bought the Ole Henriksen Walnut scrub. It's wonderful! It's a great exfoliator & clears out pores, smooths the skin. It is gritty so you have to gently message onto the skin unlike some of the reviewers that pushed to hard & complained of rednessI really like it.![]()
Oh i want to try a new face scrub, im running out of a drugstore one.. Its called St Eves.. I dont remember lol its works ok but i would like to try a new one, i like my face and body scrubs to have a grainy texture so i can feel it cleaning my skin, i been wanting to try the kate somerville exfolikate, i might try the Ole HenriksenI also bought the Ole Henriksen Walnut scrub. It's wonderful! It's a great exfoliator & clears out pores, smooths the skin. It is gritty so you have to gently message onto the skin unlike some of the reviewers that pushed to hard & complained of rednessI really like it.
Thankyou[COLOR=EE82EE]You don't look a day over 18 and you're beautiful.[/COLOR]
I absolutely love the Walnut scrub! I alternate between that and the Philosophy microdelivery wash. Smells so good too!I also bought the Ole Henriksen Walnut scrub. It's wonderful! It's a great exfoliator & clears out pores, smooths the skin. It is gritty so you have to gently message onto the skin unlike some of the reviewers that pushed to hard & complained of rednessI really like it.![]()