I'm so glad you like it!! I've heard that Tatcha usually offers a 20% Friends & Family sale around Black Friday, and they always have free shipping, so that would be another option for you. I bought both of those moisturizers last year and I found the night cream to be pretty good, I liked it and it managed to revitalize my skin after a particularly rough few nights following an all-night shopping binge (Black Friday, lol), but I stopped using it because I found out it had salicylic acid in it, and I was pregnant at the time. So - if you're avoiding salicylic acid due to your dry skin- that's something to note. The day cream broke me out in tiny white bumps and, reading the reviews, it seems like it had the same effect on others as well. However, I passed it on to my sister and she liked it. Personally - right now I'm using Ole Henriksen Sheer Transformation day and night and every other night or so I add the Origins DrinkUp Overnight mask to help bump up the hydration factor. I really like the mask as far as relieving dryness and adding a glow are concerned, and it's a really reasonable price, but I think I may swap it out for the GlamGlow ThirstyMud mask once I finish my tube, because the GG just smells SOOOO GOOD lol. I know you mentioned that you're not really interested in the Three Little Wonders set, but I really cannot say enough good things about it. It really brings life to my dry skin.