All Things Sephora


Well-known member
Excuse me while I be a brat.....why did they make us wait until 11/20 for that....nothing really looks interesting. Oh well...more money saved for me

honey on boost

Well-known member
Oh nice! I will definitely try that Mario toner! Supposedly Ulta is going to have a sale on his line starting tonight at 12:00 midnight CST.. So maybe they will be part of it.

I like the GlamGlow cleansers - they are such an interesting concept. I wish I would have ordered it when GlamGlow was doing B1G1 - but I think they did that same sale for black Friday or Cyber Monday last year too.. if so, I am going to definitely buy it.
I'm hoping they do the same sale this year. I bought my first glam glow set during the VIB sale and I looove it.


Well-known member
The only thing im mildly interested in is one of the Tarte sets. I also wouldnt mind getting the Clarisonic stuff but I didnt see them on the Canadian app