All Things Sephora


Well-known member
Lmaooooo! Girl! That Doe Deere is a HAM. When you google Lime Crime, the next word is controversy. There are a couple of blogs that compile all the drama together. It's crazy. I think someone did a nice summary on the Lime Crime thread here, too. Her trying to set T up is only a piece of it. Dammit! Lemme go look at swatches...
I have pics in the Nars thread. If you google my pics will probably come up anyway. :lol:


Well-known member
That's why I haven't bought anything from them either, I was all excited when they first launched only to be real turned off by that shitstorm and have never fully gotten past having that bad taste in my mouth towards them. I like the packaging on the Velvetines, but I'd be way embarrassed to pull one of those lipsticks out of my purse in public.
The reason I've avoided them is for the controversy also. Just bad business practices left a bad taste in my mouth. At work so won't get into it now, but like someone said, if you google limecrime controversy, you'll see it.


Well-known member
I just placed an order for Ardency Inn - Hell.


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]  I read a little tidbit about t his on line---don't think I got  the whole story though.[/COLOR]
There was a huge scandal about the eye dusts (now discontinued) being repackaged and doe lied about it, unsanitary habits in the lab, people ordering and not getting product at all or way late in the game, unresponsive and or rude replies to emails, Doe harassing anyone who gave her a bad review (not just temptalia) using different names to harass people with, just plain immature and really unprofessional behavior. 2 of my friends placed orders and didn't receive their packages until over a month after placing their orders. This is all I can think of right off the top of my head as it's been a few years since all of this went down, but it was enough at the time to keep me from ordering. I know they've probably improved over the years, but all that drama has just lingered in the back of my mind and keeps me from hitting submit every single time I attempt to give one of their products a chance.


Well-known member
I think I want Bette....

Then I'll have 15 Auddie lippies! Am I the only one who's neglecting their other lipsticks?
Bette is the perfect shade.

Quote: Originally Posted by shontay07108

You need Bette. It's one of the best shades.
I Agree! I've been wearing it A LOT!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   You had me at Didn't use any kind of gloves or protection.  Hopefully they're now being produced in a proper facility with appropriate [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]sanitation protocols and[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   techniques.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   ****runs off to buy a Guerlain lipstick.  [/COLOR]:yaay:
ooooo.... Which one?


Well-known member
There was a huge scandal about the eye dusts (know discontinued) being repackaged and doe lied about it, unsanitary habits in the lab, people ordering and not getting product at all or way late in the game, unresponsive and or rude replies to emails, Doe harassing anyone who gave her a bad review (not just temptalia) using different names to harass people with, just plain immature and really unprofessional behavior. 2 of my friends placed orders and didn't receive their packages until over a month after placing their orders. This is all I can think of right off the top of my head as it's been a few years since all of this went down, but it was enough at the time to keep me from ordering. I know they've probably improved over the years, but all that drama has just lingered in the back of my mind and keeps me from hitting submit every single time I attempt to give one of their products a chance.
Geez---nuff said


Well-known member
And the code still working... Bette did a swan dive into my cart. Bitch wouldn't get out! Ok no more orders!!!!!


Well-known member
Alright, I ordered some Velvetines...Salem, Utopia and Suedeberry because I've wanted them forever and failed to find dupes. And now I'm done with this sale FOR REAL.


Well-known member
What I dislike though is those who got harassed amongst other things being all "its cool now". If it were me and someone pulled that kinda shit, best believe it wouldn't ever be cool. Again, just me though.
Yup.. and that's why I won't buy anything by Lime Crime either. I wouldn't want to put one penny in her pocket.. To each their own though.. if some don't mind the controversy.. it's just not something I personally feel comfortable doing..

I just logged on to read the code is still working..
Noooooooo.. Now I am tempted again...

I got my first order today.. It had the Nirvana Black Perfume and White Perfume duo.. The black smells SOOOOOOOOO good.. I could bathe in it..
So glad I ordered the 1.7 oz bottle..

Shopping Obsess

Well-known member
And the code still working... Bette did a swan dive into my cart. Bitch wouldn't get out! Ok no more orders!!!!!
Anna was out of stock last nite so I was kind of happy that I didn't have to make my 5th order. So tonite the code still works and Anna hopped in my cart and my fingers pressed " Place Order" so fast that my mind was still contemplating:shock:

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