All Things Sephora


Well-known member
I emailed Sephora after seeing the posts about the bad batch of Lolita. I ordered mine online on 12/24 and I always felt like it was really dark but figured oh well, must be my ski tone. In my email I explained that I ordered online, included a screenshot of my order number and information, told them it was darker than what I had tested in store and asked if mine was part of the bad batch and if so, is it too late for me to return it? The reply I received says that can't help with in store purchases and to look on my receipt for return information. OY!!!!


Well-known member
Has anyone tried the new UD Pressed powder foundations? I swatched in store, and the fair/cool (for 0.5) matched my skin perfectly. It seemed to blend really nicely on my hand. I saw a lot of reviews on sephora saying it oxidized really badly and went orange. So strange! Has anyone had experience with this powder? I want to use it for lazy days when I have to get up really early for class, or even as a light dusting over my liquid foundation. Thoughts?

Shopping Obsess

Well-known member
I emailed Sephora after seeing the posts about the bad batch of Lolita. I ordered mine online on 12/24 and I always felt like it was really dark but figured oh well, must be my ski tone. In my email I explained that I ordered online, included a screenshot of my order number and information, told them it was darker than what I had tested in store and asked if mine was part of the bad batch and if so, is it too late for me to return it? The reply I received says that can't help with in store purchases and to look on my receipt for return information. OY!!!!
I ordered mine online as well and am getting a refund( I am in Canada and they can't send a replacement through Canada Post). If I were you, would just call customer service.


Well-known member
That's ridiculous! Send them another email. Hopefully, they will actually read it this time. SMH
Yes... I did reply and reiterated that I did order online and thay my order info was below lol and to please advise... Sigh..
I ordered mine online as well and am getting a refund( I am in Canada and they can't send a replacement through Canada Post). If I were you, would just call customer service.
I think you're right, I'll see if I get a reply from the email I sent back and if not I will just call. I thought email would be easier because I attached my order info. Oh well! :)

Dolly Snow

It took me a few different applications before I started to love my sample. I tried fingers-- AWFUL. I tried a beauty blender... no! And then, I tried my mac 187 and really loved how it looked. My Sigma f80 also made it look really nice on my skin, but that shxt eats up foundation and I needed 3 pumps for the same coverage that I got with my mac 187 in 1.5 pumps.  I'm sorry you don't like it, though! :( 
I loved it via first application. Then second time changed up the method and hated it. The finger method is :pooh: I found I prefer using a brush. Still I love it, but will I buy it...idk.


Well-known member
Ugh. I'm definitely buying that this week. I love mufe so much.

Missed you dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Stinks.  What didn't you like about it?
Several things. It was difficult to apply (my Sigma F80 worked best, but still not great). It took a lot linger to apply than other foundations for me. It wanted to cling to every dry patch that I didn't know I had, and it settled into every pore and amplified them. It oxidized VERY orange on me, too. It was a perfect match when I applied it, but then an hour later I looked in the mirror and it was just awful. By the end of the day it was just a mess. I had such high hopes. It might work beautifully for some of you ladies so I'd just test it out first. It just didn't work for me.
It took me a few different applications before I started to love my sample. I tried fingers-- AWFUL. I tried a beauty blender... no! And then, I tried my mac 187 and really loved how it looked. My Sigma f80 also made it look really nice on my skin, but that shxt eats up foundation and I needed 3 pumps for the same coverage that I got with my mac 187 in 1.5 pumps.  I'm sorry you don't like it, though! :( 
My F80 also gave me the best result. I think I ended up using 4 pumps with that method. It also disappointed me that I had to use so much. It didn't give me the coverage I need for my rosacea and it didn't layer well for me. I'm glad you found a method that worked for you. If I didn't have so many skin issues/concerns then it might have worked better for me.


Well-known member
We have a winter storm heading our way tomorrow afternoon. I'm watching the meteorologist on the news and thinking...I hope UPS drops off my 2 orders before the storm gets here.

Dolly Snow

We have a winter storm heading our way tomorrow afternoon. I'm watching the meteorologist on the news and thinking...I hope UPS drops off my 2 orders before the storm gets here. :haha:  
Being stuck indoors, due to snow, is the perfect time to play with new makeup. Come on UPS...don't let me down. 
I hope your package comes before the storm hits.
   [COLOR=0000FF]For real Mandy!!!  I made hubs clear the walkway and patio in 7 degree weather for the UPS man for tomorrow.  Must get my packages!!!!![/COLOR]:happydance: [COLOR=0000FF] Absolutely!!!  I hope he makes it!!![/COLOR]
Those UPS workers go through such bad weather to get us our packages :sigh: ...and it was nice of the hub to clear a path :heart: For everyone in the colder areas, stay safe and warm :heart:


Well-known member
Btw I have noticed that usually "weightless" foundations omit oil controlling properties to maintain a light as air feel on the skin... I told the Nars counter manager and she gave me a sample of a oil controlling NARS primer so let's see wut it gives haha
Hi @Pinkcrush. What was the verdict with the oil controlling NARS primer? Is it worth purchasing?

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