All Things Sephora


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[COLOR=0000FF]  I hesitated getting it because I was too uncertain about what the formula would be.  I was thinking along the lines of MAC's cream color bases.[/COLOR]
I think CCBs are a little creamier. Did you order blushed copper ??? Not sure if this was posted here yet! :


Well-known member
   [COLOR=0000FF]Great read.  There are a few major differences between the book & the movie but I enjoyed both. [/COLOR]
I can only remember one. :hmm:
  [COLOR=0000FF]Oh geez there are three very distinct ones that I can recall. :pompom:  I don't want spoil it for AWS.  We'll discuss them after she reads the book and sees the movie.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]​  She'd better hurry though.  I'm old and might forget them at any time now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  [/COLOR]:lmao:
I'm going to have to get that dvd lol But Meddy you have a long long way to go lol especially if you continue using that product that ypu mentioned that will take ypu back to age 12 lol Should I say Spoilers? It ended close to how I thought it would but with one surprise. I'm still not sure completely about how I feel about those two main characters. Still processing lol And that ex-bf with mommy issues is a Criminal Minds episode waiting to happen. It's an interesting and absorbing read!


Well-known member
   :lol:   [COLOR=0000FF]​You're making me want to see the movie all over again.  I'll probably get the is out now.[/COLOR]
I feel like I could read it again lol I used to be a movie fiend but now I usually just read the source book where applicable or the Wikipedia plot, honestly, but the story and the fact that it's Fincher directing is making me want to check it out :-D


Well-known member
I used to be a movie fiend but now I usually just read the source book where applicable or the Wikipedia plot, honestly, but the story and the fact that it's Fincher directing is making me want to check it out :-D
If it's a book to movie situation like this one, and I've read the book, I MUST have the DVD. You know---to pass time on rainy days!!!


Well-known member
I'm going to have to get that dvd lol But Meddy you have a long long way to go lol especially if you continue using that product that ypu mentioned that will take ypu back to age 12 lol Should I say Spoilers? It ended close to how I thought it would but with one surprise. I'm still not sure completely about how I feel about those two main characters. Still processing lol And that ex-bf with mommy issues is a Criminal Minds episode waiting to happen. It's an interesting and absorbing read!
I don't like Nick at all. Amy isn't likeable either and she's extreme, but I'm more on her side. Look, he made his bed, OK? :lol:
   :lol:   [COLOR=0000FF]​You're making me want to see the movie all over again.  I'll probably get the is out now.[/COLOR]
You can buy or rent it on iTunes, but the DVD is available now. I'm going to google those other differences because I want to know now! :haha:


Well-known member
You can buy or rent it on iTunes, but the DVD is available now. I'm going to google those other differences because I want to know now!
I did not like either of them (him less so than her. She was cray cray)! I was thoroughly annoyed with both of them by the end of the book. So annoyed that I think I hate the book lol


Well-known member
You can buy or rent it on iTunes, but the DVD is available now. I'm going to google those other differences because I want to know now!
Yes it is. I saw it when I was out shopping but didn't pick it up at the time. All of this chatter about it has renewed my interest in it.
I think the ending showed how mutually & psychologically inept, yet co-dependent they were. They thrived on the other's neuroses.
I'm dying to talk about the differences! Major hint here---Tyler Perry's role!!!


Well-known member
I did not like either of them (him less so than her. She was cray cray)! I was thoroughly annoyed with both of them by the end of the book. So annoyed that I think I hate the book lol :haha:
Yeah, a lot of people hate a book or a show or a movie if they're annoyed by the characters. I understand that, but that never bothers me. At least, "evil" characters don't bother me. I find them fascinating. I think the scariest thing of all is that there are real Nick and Amy's out there. Not to the same extreme, but they're out there.
[COLOR=0000FF]   Yes it is.  I saw it when I was out shopping but didn't pick it up at the time.  All of this chatter about it has renewed my interest in it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   I think the ending showed how mutually & psychologically inept, yet co-dependent they were.  They thrived on the other's neuroses.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   I'm dying to talk about the differences!  Major hint here---Tyler Perry's role!!![/COLOR]
Oh, oh, OK. I found a site that lists 15 differences. Most of them minor. The only one that really registers with me was a character that was cut out completely.


Well-known member
Oh, oh, OK. I found a site that lists 15 differences. Most of them minor. The only one that really registers with me was a character that was cut out completely.
I've never felt that way about a book 'til I read Gone Girl. Maybe I'll read it again to make sure lol. I usually like the bad guys (don't judge me). Not all of them, but the ones that are truly tortured and are just and bad because life wasn't fair to them. lol


Well-known member
I've never felt that way about a book 'til I read Gone Girl. Maybe I'll read it again to make sure lol. I usually like the bad guys (don't judge me). Not all of them, but the ones that are truly tortured and are just and bad because life wasn't fair to them. lol
I like bad guys too and one of my friends who's a book and tv nerd shakes her head at me. I don't care. It's fiction. One thing that bothers me are needy or whiny characters. Anything else I can deal with. Most shows I watch are full of bad people or people doing bad things and I still love it.


Well-known member
Oh, oh, OK. I found a site that lists 15 differences. Most of them minor. The only one that really registers with me was a character that was cut out completely.
A few characters were cut out. This si a riot. I can see us now going back and reading the book!!!!


Well-known member
   [COLOR=0000FF]A few characters were cut out.  This si a riot.  I can see us now going back and reading the book!!!![/COLOR]
Someone involving Desi. That's the only character I missed. Hell, I might start playing the audiobook again in a couple of days. The author of GG has another book called Dark Places and they made a movie of it with Charlize Theron. I don't know what to make of it. I love the book, but the movie trailer looks like some Law & Order episode or something. Plus, I'm not a fan of Theron at all and she doesn't fit the character description. Unlike GG, the author didn't write the script. I smell a hot mess on the horizon. :eek:hboy:


Well-known member
I like bad guys too and one of my friends who's a book and tv nerd shakes her head at me. I don't care. It's fiction. One thing that bothers me are needy or whiny characters. Anything else I can deal with. Most shows I watch are full of bad people or people doing bad things and I still love it.
Nothing bothers me more than a victim that clearly doesn't have to be a victim. I find victim turned fighter & victor much more appealing than a whiny little victim w/no
fight in them. It's been a while but one book that comes to mind is the 'Pilot's Wife'. I just wanted to slap/shake her!!! You know a real "SNAP OUT OF IT" moment.


Well-known member
The author of GG has another book called Dark Places and they made a movie of it with Charlize Theron. I don't know what to make of it. I love the book, but the movie trailer looks like some Law & Order episode or something. Plus, I'm not a fan of Theron at all and she doesn't fit the character description. Unlike GG, the author didn't write the script. I smell a hot mess on the horizon.
I just saw that movie trailer!!! Do I need to read Dark Places???
RE: L & O episode!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] Nothing bothers me more than a victim that clearly doesn't have to be a victim.  I find victim turned fighter & victor much more appealing than a whiny little victim w/no[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   fight in [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]them.  It's been a while but one book that comes to [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]mind is the 'Pilot's Wife'.  I just wanted to slap/shake her!!!  You know a real "SNAP OUT OF IT" moment.[/COLOR]
I don't like the whiny characters that can't face the reality of a situation. Like when zombies are running around or some other bad BS is going down and they're all lalala or crying in the corner. I want that person to die ASAP. They're the weak link.


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF]I just saw that movie trailer!!!  Do I need to read Dark Places???[/COLOR]   :lol: [COLOR=0000FF] RE: L & O episode![/COLOR]
It's a fantastic book. So is her first book Sharp Objects. I can't wait for her next one. It's funny because I read her books in reverse order. If you do that you can see the progression in the writing but they're all fantastic.