That is so sweet! Thank you so much! When the aneurysm happened I knew it right away. I didn't know what it was, but I knew something was really wrong. I was laying on my couch about to go to bed and out of nowhere there was a really loud pop in my head and sharp needle type pains started branching off from the crown of my skull and down my neck. I blacked out for a few seconds and my ears started ringing really bad. After that I couldn't see straight and things felt blurry. I tried to walk, but I was really weak and just felt off kilter. At the hospital I had a spinal tap and a CT scan and the aneurysm didn't rupture, but if they left it alone it probably would've ruptured soon so they had to have me in surgery within a few days. They didn't have to cut my head open, they just went up through my leg and put a coil type thing in the aneurysm to keep it from filling with blood again. The surgery was nothing, I just couldn't drive or go up and down my stairs for a couple days. The migraines are what's killing me. The neurologist put me on a prednisone pack, but it didn't help. I'm hoping my regular Dr can give me something to help on Monday until I go back to see my neurologist again. Wow, sorry for the drawn out sob story. Haha. Good news is I'm alive! I'm a fighter, always have and always will be.