I'm so happy for you! You've been wanting to get this done for so long. I can't wait to see the results!
I was at MAC today perusing the lipstick section and one of the artists working came up and started explaining the differences between the finishes. I just listened quietly like I'm new to makeup. It was fun to pretend.
Happy birthday Vee!
Thank you!! I was so excited this morning, I couldn't get there fast enough.
I was at Impulse in Macys one time and the girl came over thinking she could give me pointers on contour and highlight. I mean basic stuff. I smiled and thanked her, but when we were leaving I said I love when I go in a makeup store without any makeup on and they think they can tell me how to put on blush. I'm always thinking, "You have no idea what kind of damage I can do in this store."
Stormborn were you wearing makeup? I would think not or else they would know you're not some basic b*^ch.
Wow, so I hadn't received my $20 off email or mailer yet and so I figured I'd call CS to see what gives. They guy I got was super nice and helpful and just said "got a pen and paper? here's your code!" Compared to the fight I thought was coming and how others have been treated I was so surprised. I just kept asking "wait, that's it?!"
So glad it was easy but it bums me out that Sephora customer service seems to be so hit or miss!
I already used my code on the full size of the Ole Henrickson Truth Serum. Thanks to all the ladies here who recommended it!
My sister went into the store and her email with the code wouldn't load. At first they said there was nothing they could do until she said, "You know that super nice survey I put in, complimenting you girls like you were the makeup messiahs? I can just as easily write a bad one." Needless to say she got her $ off. Haha.
I also got a full size Truth Serum during the VIB sale. I love it and can't wait until I can start back on my normal skincare routine.
I hope everything went OK and you feel better now- let us know how you are doing when you get a chance.
Aww, thank you! I was getting really nervous while I was waiting for the lidocaine to completely numb my face (an hour) so I got a cup of hot tea and after drinking half of it I realized I got lidocaine all along the top and it got in my mouth and made my tongue go numb. Lmao!! The laser didn't hurt at all at first, but when she started on the left cheek I could feel the right side starting to burn. I toughed it out til the very end and when she asked if I was good enough for her to do a few more passes on my cheeks (the worst part) I just told her to go for it. I'm really hoping I won't have to do a second session so I just took the pain and let my mind go somewhere else. It was 43 degrees on the way home, but it felt good to put the window down and I seriously wanted to stick my head out like a dog. I had to shield my face from the sun so I either looked like a movie star trying to avoid the paparazzi or a crazy bag lady. Haha.
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I took a couple pics a little bit ago and it's embarrassing, but I have faith that when my skin is totally healed in 3 months I will have smooth skin. And now you can see that my one eyebrow is totally drawn on from the middle out. Haha. I have a bunch of scarred tissue so my eyebrows don't grow there anymore.