all you need to know about EXTENSIONS


So i went to Sallys to have a look at the American Dreams extensions and i wasnt impressed, they were not very thick and were all ratty at the ends so i ended up ordering online with and i got the extensions today, WOW, these things are gorgeous, the colour isnt a perfect match but it blends in with the colour, i would reccomend them to anyone.


Well-known member
I have a full set of Remy human hair 25" extensions that I bought off ebay for like $50 I think it was. And then I have a synthetic 23" wavy Jessica Simpson Hairdo piece that I got for half price, like $45 off ebay. I love them both, but I like the wavy one a little bit more because I'm too lazy and like just having the one piece to attach.


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I have super fine and thinning hair to the point you can see my scalp on the crown. I am able to mask that with two things but I wanted to bulk up the rest of my hair so I went to get a consultation about extensions a year ago almost to the day. The place I went to did a great job and because my hair was so fine/thin/fragile they only used half the thickness of the extensions as they would've for a normal person. They were the hot fusion type and human remy hair. They hurt like heck the first few days and I found it very hard to wash my hair the first month or so. All and all I really loved them. For once it didnt take me 2 hours to get my hair to look decent and not like threads hanging. Unfortunately I did get 4 small sections that got matted together but it was towards the time they were to come out. I literally cried when they took them out because for almost 5 months I was so used to seeing normal hair for once in my life and was left with my horrible thin hair. I couldnt afford to get new ones since I was laid off and I'm glad I didnt because they did damage my hair. Mainly it seems on one side in the front the hair is broken/frayed where the bond were


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Originally Posted by MissAlexisDDD
Has anyone ever had your hair cornrowed and them having the extensions sewn in?? I have so many questions.

that's a pretty damaging technique. alot of times, putting cornrows in puts too much tension and stress on your natural hair and when you take them out much of your hair gets lost in the process. i wouldn't suggest this unless you have very strong, thick hair to begin with..


Well-known member
Eek. It seems every method I've researched has long lasting damage to the hair.

On the bright side, just bought human hair clip in extensions


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Balmain are the best keratin ext. I have ever had on my head! so silky and shiney....Unfortunately ,they are too expencive to wear them all the time


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I'm growing my hair out and right now it's at a really boring length - the longest part is to my shoulders, the rest a little shorter, feels like a big mullet. So I am toying with the idea of getting extensions.

I've read a little about the keratin fastened kind, and I am curious about the day to day upkeep.

They say that the bonds can't be wet for too long, so one has to blow-dry - but how do I make sure that the heat doesn't damage the bonds? And they say that you have to brush the hair a lot to avoid it turning into dreads and having to cut pieces of ones real hair out - but can you brush on the bonds without damaging them?

I found a salon that is in a convenient location for me, that seems to do a lot of extensions. They put pictures on their blog of previous work: Hårförlängning - Hårförlängning mitt i sommarvärmen! - wendyshair - en blogg från
It's all in swedish of course, but does it look like they know what they are doing?


Well-known member
I have started to think about getting extensions - I will talk with my hair stylist about this idea


Well-known member
i had it done last year..worst decision ever..the taking it out part..what a glad i have my headkandy clipins..

Originally Posted by MissAlexisDDD
Has anyone ever had your hair cornrowed and them having the extensions sewn in?? I have so many questions.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
I've read a little about the keratin fastened kind, and I am curious about the day to day upkeep.

They say that the bonds can't be wet for too long, so one has to blow-dry - but how do I make sure that the heat doesn't damage the bonds? And they say that you have to brush the hair a lot to avoid it turning into dreads and having to cut pieces of ones real hair out - but can you brush on the bonds without damaging them?

Hårförlängning - Hårförlängning mitt i sommarvärmen! - wendyshair - en blogg från
It's all in swedish of course, but does it look like they know what they are doing?

I have Racoon extensions, which are a resin bond. But the maintenance is very similar. You can wash your hair as you would normally, but it is best to blow dry because it's true you don't want to leave the bonds or the extension hair wet for a long period of time. I occasionally air dry but it's just so slow anyway that it's not worth it. The extension hair itself can dry out quite easily so you need to use good quality products especially conditioners. Once the bonds are in they are hard, the heat can make them soften up a little bit but once cool they set back. You have to change the sets of hair extensions regularly (every 3 to 4 months) anyway so by the time one set is worn out you're ready to take them out and replace.

You don't have to brush the extension hair lots, but you do have to seperate each tiny bond with your fingers 2 maybe 3 times a day to ensure they do not tangle together. This can be quite time consuming but it avoids any problems. If you did get really bad tangles you may have no choice but to cut pieces out but realistically it should never come to this unless you really don't look after the extensions. I've been getting extensions a year an a half now and I've never had any issues with tangles, but the salon I use provides a good maintenance service too and I have time to keep up with it all. You can brush the bonds without damaging them but usually you would need a special extension brush which you can buy easily over the internet.

In terms of the pictures, if I can be totally honest, the extensions look badly blended in. In some of the shots there is an obvious line where the clients own hair ends and the extensions begin. Which is due to the cutting technique of the professional. A good set of extensions should blend seamlessly. I've definitely seen worse work but I've seen better too.


Well-known member
Thanks for taking the time to respond Natalie. I was wondering if the bad blending in could be due to the customers not wanting their hair cut as much, because they only planned to have the extensions for a short while, maybe? But either way, I'll look around for other places.


Well-known member
There are brushes you should use with extensions (loop brushes); these allow you brush the hair and minimize tangles.

Extensions do not necessarily need to be replaced every 3-4 months, but they need to be removed and reapplied because the further the bond gets from your scalp, the more stress it places on the hair shaft. The extra weight as it gets further from the scalp puts the hair (from scalp to bond) under more stress (and pulling) causing a higher chance of damage; think about pulling on your hair all day long, eventually it will break. It's very important to have reapplication done, but if the extension hair is high-quality and well-maintained (and depending on the application method chosen), it is possible utilize the same extensions for multiple applications which can significantly reduce the overall cost of long-term extensions.

For the same reason as outlined above, if you have someone who doesn't place them properly, you run the risk of unnecessary damage and additional expense (by not being able to go as long between reapplications.) If you need them reapplied (because of placement) every 2 months for example, then either 1. your extension specialist is not placing them properly to begin with(i.e. placing them too low and is not very good) or 2. your hair grows mad fast.


Well-known member
I recently bought two sets of new clip-in extensions, and the dyed them to match my new pink hair. I'm wearing about three quarters of them today for the first time and omg. Looooooove. This is my first time curling extensions too. I think it turned out well.

Here's what I look like without them in:

And here's what they look like today:

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