Allen, TX CCO (Allen Premium Outlets)


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Originally Posted by Cinfulgirl
Well guess I'll be stopping by Garland on my way to Mckinney lol
Gosh im kinda far from everything..

Well if you are going to McKinney you are a rocks throw from Allen


Well-known member
Tish I think that I am going to have to head down to your CCO. I can't believe all of the wonderful stuff they have! I am so jealous!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cinfulgirl
Well guess I'll be stopping by Garland on my way to Mckinney lol
Gosh im kinda far from everything..

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Well if you are going to McKinney you are a rocks throw from Allen

I thought Tish was gonna say you could throw rocks at me ... after all I live three mins from this CCO! Dangerous coordinates
Originally Posted by CupcakeCutie
Well crap, I should have asked!! Oh well, I guess I'll have to go back!
Yeah I was only there til about 10:30 cause I had to be somewhere at 11.

I did manage to get Cult Fave l/g by asking though, so I don't know why
I didn't think to ask about Solar White. Oh well!!

Cupcake, I was there the same time you were then, you got the last cult fave l/g and left me high and dry. Lol. You did manage to get great things though.

Also, there were a few fafi items:

fafi eyes1
belightful i/p/p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by watkinsjillian
Cupcake, I was there the same time you were then, you got the last cult fave l/g and left me high and dry. Lol. You did manage to get great things though.

Also, there were a few fafi items:

fafi eyes1
belightful i/p/p

You know, I was wondering if I was ever going to run into anyone from Spectra there. I halfway expected to see Tish there lol

I'm so sorry that there weren't two Cult Fave l/g's. If it helps I felt really bad taking it knowing it was the last one and that you wanted it too.
Next time that happens with something I'll let you have it so we'll be even, k lol

I'm there pretty often so if you see me again my name is Amy.
Originally Posted by CupcakeCutie
You know, I was wondering if I was ever going to run into anyone from Spectra there. I halfway expected to see Tish there lol

I'm so sorry that there weren't two Cult Fave l/g's. If it helps I felt really bad taking it knowing it was the last one and that you wanted it too.
Next time that happens with something I'll let you have it so we'll be even, k lol

I'm there pretty often so if you see me again my name is Amy.

Awh, you are soooo sweet.
I'm sure I will see you there again. I dont live too close, but I try to make a trip after every payday. By the way my name is Jill. Hope to see you soon.

Also, before I left that day I overheard the employees saying that they had not put out the entire shipment, so I am going back this weekend.


Well-known member
They had a lot of eyeliners and more shadesticks that they were putting out....some MES...but mostly just the same items they had out already...not any different shades that I saw on the pack slips...they will be getting a entirely new shipment this Thursday/Friday however.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
They had a lot of eyeliners and more shadesticks that they were putting out....some MES...but mostly just the same items they had out already...not any different shades that I saw on the pack slips...they will be getting a entirely new shipment this Thursday/Friday however.

Great, just what I need to hear!! I just got a text from my husband asking why I spent $300 on makeup so far this month. lol I told him I can't help it
!!! Now I just need to figure out a way to come up with some more money before Thur/Fri. Anyone have a rich uncle I can borrow for the weekend?? lol

Tish, do you know what is supposed to be coming in on Thur/Fri??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CupcakeCutie
Great, just what I need to hear!! I just got a text from my husband asking why I spent $300 on makeup so far this month. lol I told him I can't help it
!!! Now I just need to figure out a way to come up with some more money before Thur/Fri. Anyone have a rich uncle I can borrow for the weekend?? lol

Tish, do you know what is supposed to be coming in on Thur/Fri??

Nope I didn't look at the pack slips because I don't want to buy anything....she knows what I like so she will call me if there are must haves for me and hold them back...If I stay away...I save money and don't buy things I really don't need ...But have to have


Well-known member
The reason I need to stop

I just bought 4 of these 28 shadow palettes from Star Haven

and realized I need about 3 more....No More Shadows TISH!!

My Pro Palettes were getting to massive....15 slots is not doable for me anymore



Well-known member
^ Speaking of, do you know if the MAC store in Willowbend sells pro palettes or is it just the store in North Park? Also, how much are they? I just depotted my first shadow today, partly to see how difficult it would be and partly to see if it was authentic since I got it on eBay (it was, thank goodness!). Anyway, I now have a depotted shadow sitting on my bathroom counter cause I have no place to put it, so I need to get a palette asap!


Well-known member
^^^ It is my understanding it is only the Pro Store in North Park >>> My friend upgraded to the bigger palettes I think she may be selling all of her 15 Pro's I will ask her


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ It is my understanding it is only the Pro Store in North Park >>> My friend upgraded to the bigger palettes I think she may be selling all of her 15 Pro's I will ask her

Ok cool, thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CupcakeCutie
^ Speaking of, do you know if the MAC store in Willowbend sells pro palettes or is it just the store in North Park? Also, how much are they? I just depotted my first shadow today, partly to see how difficult it would be and partly to see if it was authentic since I got it on eBay (it was, thank goodness!). Anyway, I now have a depotted shadow sitting on my bathroom counter cause I have no place to put it, so I need to get a palette asap!

I used to go to willowbend all the time to get my MAC before I moved. They don't have the pro palettes. They only have the pots. Sorry~

TISH...if you don't update with the new things they get in then I will be saving money too. BUT you know I am an addict too so if you see anything that is potentially something I NEEEEDD or desperately want...let me know please *smiles*


Well-known member
^^ Thanks! I guess I'll be heading to North Park soon then.

I'm thinking about heading back over to the CCO tomorrow so if I do I'll try to find out what's supposed to be coming in.


Well-known member
^^ she will probably not tell you the colors...she doesn't go thru the list I do LOL she hates too ...they are not MAC fiends in there so they could care less ...she will just say lippies...e/s etc....

If I talk to her I will ask if she will read the pack list to me..we work out 3x a week together so she might bring it with her.....But I am not going in there!!!

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