Am I the only geek...


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Not often when you meet chicks that say they love your Star Trek tattoo!! LOL You girls rock


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amyzon
Not often when you meet chicks that say they love your Star Trek tattoo!! LOL You girls rock

Hahaha, niiiice tattoo! Love it. I have the DS9 wormhole on my torso - not specifically for it to be a Star Trek tattoo, more because of my fascination with space and the idea of worm holes (but the DS9 wormhole is so beautiful, who could not pick that as the prettiest wormhole?!). I figure it's just a bonus is someone recognizes it as Star Trek


Well-known member
OMG we have som eof the bravest coolest peeps here. :-D Make-up Trekkies, we should have our own convention, A bunch of girls with traincases infront of projected screen Blue Ray DVD's.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dice1233
Hahaha, niiiice tattoo! Love it. I have the DS9 wormhole on my torso - not specifically for it to be a Star Trek tattoo, more because of my fascination with space and the idea of worm holes (but the DS9 wormhole is so beautiful, who could not pick that as the prettiest wormhole?!). I figure it's just a bonus is someone recognizes it as Star Trek

That's soooo cool!!! I'd love to see that please! I think you and me would get along reeeal well. I have a huge fascination with the idea of time and space travel. The tattoo on my other wrist there is a mobius, which I got mainly for that fascination. We are an odd group here... Makeup hotties with geek tats... LOL

Growing Wings

Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes

And more than BEING a geek, I lovvvvve geeks.

I have no problem admitting I have a proper soft spot for geeky guys

amyzon, I love your tattoo!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
OMG we have som eof the bravest coolest peeps here. :-D Make-up Trekkies, we should have our own convention, A bunch of girls with traincases infront of projected screen Blue Ray DVD's.

I was thinking the same thing. We need a Specktra table at the next Star Trek convention. We can do your make-up and sci-fi trivia at the same time. Extra points if we paint ourselves green like Orion slave girls.


Well-known member
I'm a big SciFi fan. I noticed your list was missing Battlestar Galactica!! Whats up with that?!

It just had its series finale on Friday and I will freely admit I bawled.

It truly is (was) the best show on TV. I am going to miss it so much.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
I'm a big SciFi fan. I noticed your list was missing Battlestar Galactica!! Whats up with that?!

It just had its series finale on Friday and I will freely admit I bawled.

It truly is (was) the best show on TV. I am going to miss it so much.

Bold, brutal and brilliant. One of the best shows ever! And that finale, wow.


Well-known member
i'm not into star trek but i do love the x files! it's my fave tv show in the whole wide world!!! the latest film they did last year was a bit meh - not because it was bad but because it wasn't very x files'y to me. could have been any old film... just happened to have moulder and scully in it.

i also love smallville - me and hubby have bought the box sets and since xmas last year have been watching a few episodes each night before bed! we're nearly at the end of series 6 now

i also love buffy and angel (as you can tell by my sig!) when i was a teen i used to watch buffy all the time. i didn't have many friends so i'd spend my time watching buffy and reading. i even wrote a fan fiction story once!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HockeyChick04
Extra points if we paint ourselves green like Orion slave girls.

Haha, I love it!! Great idea!

Here is my tattoo just after it was finished last year



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dice1233
Haha, I love it!! Great idea!

Here is my tattoo just after it was finished last year


OMG! That is amazing!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dice1233
Haha, I love it!! Great idea!

Here is my tattoo just after it was finished last year



That is CRAZY , Wa-wa-wa-WOWSA...:-D


Well-known member
I'm probably going to feel real stupid and geeky asking this, but what about real hardcore computer/IT geeks ...

I work doing systems administrator under many UNIX variants, network engineer administrating Cisco, Juniper and many other router types .. oh and I can program in various (mostly *nix-based) languages too - perl, C, etc ..

Is that going over-the-top geeky now?


Well-known member
Dice that is crazy!!! So beautiful!!!

Originally Posted by jrm
I'm probably going to feel real stupid and geeky asking this, but what about real hardcore computer/IT geeks ...

I work doing systems administrator under many UNIX variants, network engineer administrating Cisco, Juniper and many other router types .. oh and I can program in various (mostly *nix-based) languages too - perl, C, etc ..

Is that going over-the-top geeky now?

I am def. not THAT hardcore, but I am into IT - I learn programs easily and it's easy for me to figure out how to solve problems. I am resident IT girl at my job at fix everyone's PCs when they break. I built my home PC too, well it's more of a gamer PC

I cannot program, that shit amazes me! Smarty pants...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dice1233
Here is my tattoo just after it was finished last year


that looks so amazing, love the coloring and the border! Your artist did a wonderful job.


Well-known member
ooooooh! I love all the tats! They are super cool!

Oh, and I'm totally down with the Speckra Table at the next Star Trek Convention.
Green paint = awesomeness.

And as far as the hardcore geekiness goes, I built two computers and can get around most PC hardware, but don't do programming. That is my hubby's job. Literally. He is writing the code for the GPS system for the new Orion spacecraft. Talk about geek hawtness.

Argh, I really need to get into BSG. I've heard GREAT things, and just haven't spared the time to sit down and watch it. The DH has it on his computer...all organized and stuff, just begging me to watch it. I just need to finish watching all the other shows I'm addicted to at the moment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia

Argh, I really need to get into BSG. I've heard GREAT things, and just haven't spared the time to sit down and watch it. The DH has it on his computer...all organized and stuff, just begging me to watch it. I just need to finish watching all the other shows I'm addicted to at the moment.

Yes, you do.
You will not be disappointed - the show is the best thing I have seen in a very long time. And the finale that just aired was amazing. Don't let anyone give you any spoilers!

I am currently finishing up season 10 of Stargate SG-1, and just started watching the first season of Farscape on DVD.

for sci-fi!


Well-known member
After I saw the 2009 movie, I have become ADDICTED to Star Trek, the original series.

In fact something funny happened yesterday. I was on my sister's computer and we were hanging out in her room, and when she took it back and started surfing the net she said "...why did you look up the Vulcan nerve pinch?" LOL...goodness I am such a dork.