Originally Posted by LC
hi sara...
please do not worry about taking a makeup course. the best way to learn makeup is by experimenting and just doing it. youre 22, youre just a baby, you are not too old at all! my suggestion is to join modelmayhem.com, this is an international site. once youve joined, browse the "castings" section. here you can find photographers who are in need up MUAs for their photoshoots. focus on experimenting and building your portfolio. once you feel fairly confident in your skills, apply at your MAC store or counter. Don't let your language barrier be an issue. i too lived in germany a few years ago and worked as a bartender not knowing any german.
live your dreams, dont let anything stop you
I second this completely.
First, let me echo everyone else on here and say you are certainly NOT too old. In fact you are the perfect age! I WISH I had gone after my MUA aspirations at 22! I am now 33, and I just got an offer to work as a freelance artist for MAC. I have 0 formal training or courses. Because Makeup is something I have always enjoyed, I sort of learned on my own how to do it. The more I learned, the more I sought out opportunities. I talked to the people at my MAC store, and at Sephora. I read all of Robert Jones and Kevyn Accoin's books, which are very helpful! I also found the "MAC Bible" for like $12.00 on Ebay and bought it. (this is like a training manual that MAC gives to their employees). You do not need any formal training. You can learn enough to get your foot in the door at MAC, or any other line you'd like to work for, and then THEY will train you.
Before applying at MAC, I figured I should get some experience. So I started doing wedding makeup for friends/family. Once I had enough to make a VERY modest resume, I turned it in and some pictures of my sister on her wedding day (after I did her MU), to the manager at my MAC store. That lead to the interview... etc and I just today got the call about the freelance offer.
Trust me. This is something you can do. Start out small, like a part time job at sephora or a cosmetic counter at the mall. As far as the language barrier, I don't know what to tell you about that one. You are obviously fluent in English, are there places in Germany where the people speak english? I have never been there so IDK....
Good Luck. If you want something bad enough, you have the power to make it happen girl. It is up to you!!!!