Am I turning into that loser guy who can't get laid?

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
But I get what everyone is saying about how a man loves a girl with confidence and isn't desperate about things. It's just hard not to be when you want something and don't want to "play games" and do the run around with things. I just guess that I'm taking this whole be up front and blunt about things approach a bit wrong.

If a guy likes you, he won't play games and he will come after you. They only do that when they're not that interested in my experience. Men are not that complicated creatures.

Based on ur last post, I still believe you have to work on your confidence level. There's nothing wrong with not being with anyone (emotionally or sexually) until you find yourself. You'll have more more satifying relashionships after that. Also, some things will come with age, you'll see