American Idol


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supposedly it's fuel, if I have heard and recall correctly.


Well-known member
Yup, I think him getting booted was probably the best thing for him. Now he has his choice of what to do, rather than being forced to make an Idol album. I'm still gonna miss him though.


Well-known member
well, my tuesday nights at 8:00 have freed up now! i am done watching i think, except maybe in will tune in for the results next week in the hopes of seeing katherine booted

it seems like people either love or hate katherine, which is interesting. to add on to my previous tirades about her
, i think she pouts too much and she seems immature. i thought paris carried herself w/ more maturity and class, and she is a few years younger than kat. when they told kat to go stand w/ chris last night she made a face and said "ooohhh" b/c i think she knew it meant she was in the bottom 2.

poddygirl - i know, what was up with her outfits this tuesday? i kept trying to figure out if she had a tan camisole on, or if that was her stomach showing. i guess it was her stomach....weird to have that showing when you are wearing a suit-type outfit.

'Nessa - i agree w/ what you had to say about last night's results -
but that's good news about Chris! he definitely needs in to be in a band, versus being a solo singer. Shawna - you are right he is better off now than being forced to make an idol album.

does anyone else think it's unfair that taylor got to sing his song again last night? that didn't really seem fair to me. of course it wasn't a voting night, but it still gave him extra exposure. i think they really try to manipulate the results as much as they can.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I just really don't like Elliot. I wind up pausing my tv and cleaning my kitchen so I don't have to hear him sing. Needless to say he'll never be on my ipod

ha ha!! i end up cleaning when elliot is singing too!


Well-known member
I was so angry and shocked last night! I thought my 3 boys were going to be dukin it out and no matter what i woulda been happy had it been them..i dont like kat at all shes a pretentious lil snob smug lookin lil girl..she has no originality..shes beautiful cant take that away and shell be marketed as a pretty girl and what not..her voice is okay not my cup of tea..bleh she knew she was supposed to go home too ,...if u look at the playback of her face..she knew she made it by the skin of her teeth. rooting for taylor and elliot..i love elliots voice esp when he does his stevie and donnie songs..he has a nice voice..and has improved so much..esp having to deal with a handicap..hes grown into his own..taylor or elliot..if they dont win not watching AI again..i havent watched AI since season 1..and this is the first season i didnt miss not one


Well-known member
But does he (Elliot) have what it takes to carry a full album? Does Taylor?
Kat's got a beautiful voice. She likes to think she's Christina Aguilera but I think with real studio time she would lose that...but of the three I am hoping for Taylor.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
But does he (Elliot) have what it takes to carry a full album? Does Taylor?
Kat's got a beautiful voice. She likes to think she's Christina Aguilera but I think with real studio time she would lose that...but of the three I am hoping for Taylor.

i work in the music industry and if they get with the right producers and songwriters and get him some strong collabos..he just might shock you..if they get it right and get the right marketing team assembled i def think he can pull it off..if britney/ciara/ashanti and jlo can make albums and cant sing for crap and sell then elliot can too..talent carries weight for me..and i think he would do better than ruben, fantasia and clay..


Well-known member
talent is important, but so is presence.

Those people you mentioned have a presence that supercedes their talent.
Granted they're well marketed but I have a hard time imagining someone whose voice makes me want to turn off the television doing well in the entertainment industry. :/


Well-known member
What handicap does Elliot have? I don't think I know about that..........
At any rate, I really like him and I think he has grown the most out of the remaining three. He obviously loves to sing and he has grown each week.


Well-known member
Gigi, its like everything you say is exactly what is in my head. And I have no doubt that Elliott would make an AWEsome album. I dont get how so many people cant see that. And to answer your question Shawna, Elliott is not only almost completely deaf in one ear, but he is also diabetic and sometimes has to perform with an insulin pump. I think hes one of the best even without considering his handicaps, but when you add all of that in, hes seriously amazing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mishy1053
..... And I have no doubt that Elliott would make an AWEsome album. I dont get how so many people cant see that....

THANK YOU! Elliott is amazing I love the sound of his voice, raspy, mellow and blues-y. I think he's great, but SO doesn't like him we fight every Tues & Wed night about it.


Well-known member
Scat Kat! Vote Soul Patrol!

Okay ladies, after tonight's episode, I think it's a safe bet that Elliott will be voted off tomorrow. I think he is awesome & I like him way better than Katharine, so don't get me wrong. That being said, please don't any of you vote for that smug little Mariah Carey wanna-be!!!

Taylor could not have done a better job tonight. I mean doing an Ottis Redding AND a Joe Cocker song?!?! He is so unique, and I think AI could definitely use a lil soul! Anyway, hope you girls will join my campaign to vote for him over that snotty trollop. Thanks!



Well-known member
I didn't even listen to Elliot sing. I paused and cleaned my kitchen then skipped it.
After the first twenty seconds I was bored.


Well-known member
I still really like Elliot and Taylor. Way better than Katherine. I hope she goes home, but seeing how the audience has been voting, I guess she's staying. Blech.


New member
Just checked Dialidol and here's what it shows

For Raw #'s Taylor is the lowest
Dialidol score Elliot is the lowest
Busy % Kat is the lowest

However, the # for Elliot and Kat are so close it's crazy.

Looks like it's anybody's game.

I am sure you all know who I want to go home. I just have a feeling if she makes it to the final 2 she will win. Blah!!!
Ugh having to watch her smile through every damn song is driving me crazy. Even my son said something last night when she was singing the blues song.
She cracks me up because she thinks she should not be getting negative feedback form the judges. Puhlease!!! She's all "you guys have been tough on me that past few weeks"
Oh cry me a river!
I honestly don't think Randy or Simon like her but that's JMO.


Active member
Okay, trying to move on since Chris was kicked off......of who is left, I hope Taylor wins. Elliott is kind of boring, and I will honestly throw up if Katharine wins! I agree so much with 'Nessa about how she thinks she's always doing awesome. She thinks she is the bomb, but I think she's a dud. Sorry for Katharine fans........I guess we'll see what happens tonight.


Well-known member
^ regarding katherine i agree with you both, 'Nessa and Sweet16x2!

so pleeeeeaase let it be katherine that goes home tonight! i have a bad feeling it will end up being elliot though. i love when katherine gets negative feedback (like last night) and she looks completely and utterly shocked that anyone had anything negative to say about her performance. she looks at anyone who makes a less than glowing comment about her like they are completely crazy. i was like yelling at the TV last night b/c of this girl (not good!).


Active member
Yeah, I have been praying she'd be voted off for weeks, but apparently there are enough drooling boys out there to vote for her regardless of talent. When it was between her and Chris last week, I was absolutely shocked when he was the one to go home. (He lives about 20 minutes away from me) =) Anyway, she is such a snob-face and it really is hilarous how she looks so stunned when they don't praise and adore her. PLLEEEEEEAAAAASSE don't let her win!!!!!


Well-known member
I don't necessarily think it's because she's bigheaded...
I think it's because she spends all this time working with the industry professionals and they tell her to "do this" and "do that" and then she does and she gets canned for it. *shrug*