An Easter egg threw up all over my face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley_v85
Thank you!

Most of my brushes are SE, hehe. So let's see, I used the 213 SE (I always use this or the 239 SE, and sometimes the 259 SE for packing on all over color), the 219 SE in the crease, and my holy grail brush, the 266...for brows and liner. Oh, and I found this OLD (I'm talking like...6 years) 275 brush at my house (my mom and I each got one when I was in like 9th grade), and I've been using that for blending. It works really nicely...just 'cause it's bigger and fluffier.

*lol* I've got 3 of those brushes and I can't use them as well as you have. Definitely gonna have to put in more practice time and get more brushes.


Well-known member
i think it looks really good!! i tried to do an easter egg look yesterday w/lots of colorsand i came out crappy so i had to wash my face and just throw something else together.....but i really like yours!