And not to pull your halo down*...


Well-known member
Love the cateye look, so simple and pretty. I like your brows better in your other FOTD where they are thinner, but you do look good both ways.. hell, they'd look good any way with your gorgeous face!


Well-known member
You're so pretty and your skin is perfect!
You should really model !
As for your brows, I prefer them thinner, like in the older FOTD pics.
Your make up is amazing too !

Candy Christ

Well-known member
Gah! You're like a painting I swear! I like both brow styles but I think you look better with a thinner brow IMO. Your eyes are so beautiful too!


Well-known member
your so gorgeous!!!! (as usual)
I think your brows look good either way, but i think i'm leaning more towards the thinner ones, but Ive always been into thin eyebrows, mine are really really thin right now, but ive been thinking about making mine thicker as well. need a change.


Well-known member
you look fabulous darling. love the look. I am a fan of thicker brows so i would say thick rocks


Well-known member
Oh gosh, so many lovely things to say a massive THANKYOU to ^___^ you ladies have made my day!..
*I don't know about the whole modeling gig though, I'm only 5'8 ;O but your compliments are greatly appreciated.*

Thanks for all the advice on the brow-situation btw, I think I will go back to thinner, as is the general consensus ;D


Well-known member
I would go slightly thinner then what u've done here and ur brows would look so good IMO. Having thicker brows makes u look younger.


Well-known member
beautiful (as usual!). I think I like your eyebrows a little thinner than above, but I think that's just because it's what we expect to see in a 'pin-up' look. I think without the eyeliner, the heavier brows would look better....maybe find a nice in between so you can keep changing to suit your look!


Well-known member
gorgeous! your liner is fabulous and your brows look great in both pics but IMO i think i like thinner better.