Animal Cruelty :'(


Well-known member
I realized today that my neighbor is abusing his dog. I am so upset, I am like crying. I remember when this dog was a puppy.. i know he left him out in the cold but my other neighbor keeps calling the cops on him for that so i let it go. but the dog jumped over my fence today and i realized that his chain is so tight that it is practically growing into his skin. he is raw and bloody and it breaks my heart. i do not know what to do or even how to report. i am a bit scared of being a snitch as my tires will likely get slashed at the very least. i am def going to do something but i don't know what. i would love to keep him but he is so sick i do not think i could afford the vet bills or risk my dog getting sick off of him i doubt if he ever saw a vet in his life. i am scared that calling animal control will only lead to him being put to sleep.
i am so heartbroken..


Well-known member
Please just call someone! I am a total animal lover and I don't want to see any animal put to sleep, but that kind of abuse is intolerable. Call your local vet and see if there is anything that they could do for him, and let them know you can't afford to take on his bills, they will usually try and help out somehow.


Well-known member
I would make the call & speak for the animal. Animals need protection. Your call may lead to the dog being put to sleep, but it may not. You see what deplorable condition it is now. The animal is suffering.

I have rescued many animals. Many times, the animal was so mistreated it was in a terminal state. It's extremely hard to hold an animal that is so happy to be rescued and find out they have serious illnesses from their neglect. I have grieved and held many while the vet gave the injection. I have seen many vets grieve as well. There's no easy way around these situations.

Doing nothing is not an option for something that I see is totally inexcusable.


Well-known member
well, i was def going to call someone i mostly posted here to vent. i think i know a place i will be able to park my car for the next few weeks. i am still so upset it is so sad, he's a black lab mix, totally cute.. and probably less than a year old. i am calling in a bit and will keep you posted..


Well-known member
ok its done, i did not leave my name (i was actually advised by them not to when they found out where i lived)
what a sick, sad world we live in.. i am so upset, i can hardly breathe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
ok its done, i did not leave my name (i was actually advised by them not to when they found out where i lived)
what a sick, sad world we live in.. i am so upset, i can hardly breathe

*hugs* good for you.. you have done a good thing... what did they say??


Well-known member
they said they will send someone out to investigate.. they said they send animal control, police and one of their agents so it's covered. i mentioned the cops came already, cause i am mad they didn't do anything the first three times they came..
i'm at work so i will proabally miss the whole thing. they will probably know who did it but i had to call..
thanks for everyone's support, i really mean it. i will keep you posted.


Well-known member
This breaks my heart, but you did a good thing. My dog is a black lab mix and I love him soo much, he's like my child. Situations like this I just don't understand. Keep us updated please.


Well-known member
well done for speaking up and letting the right people know. i hate animal cruelty and the poor dog must be so traumatised. at least this was if they get it away form it's shitty owner the doggy may be able to get new owners who will love and care for it.

one of my kitties was from the rspca and i hate to think what people did to her.... she's really scared of humans. it took her months to let me and nick stroke her and play with her. she'd just sit in a corner freaked out all the time. even now when a friend comes over she hides under a table and only comes out when she knows it's safe


Well-known member
It takes courage to stand up for a creature who can't stand up for himself! You did the right thing, and I'm so glad you did. It may be that you saved that little guy!


Well-known member
Thank you so much.
The world needs more people like you. People who will stick up for animals, in the world where people treat them like trash.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You prob just saved a life.

I will keep my fingers crossed for the puppy. Hope he gets taken away from this nasty man, and adopted by someone as loving as you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
well, i was def going to call someone i mostly posted here to vent. i think i know a place i will be able to park my car for the next few weeks. i am still so upset it is so sad, he's a black lab mix, totally cute.. and probably less than a year old. i am calling in a bit and will keep you posted..

Oh, i didnt see this post.
If the dog gets taken, he will get adopted! i can guarantee. He's young and a popular breed. Just pray that they dont let this douche off with a warning or something. If they take the dog and he has an inbeded collar, chances are the owner will not get him back, and will hopefully receive a big fat fine.

I have doubts in my mind that if they take him away, he will be adopting into a great family.

Out of curiosity, where do you live?


Well-known member
You've done the right thing.

I don't undestand why people are keeping animals and abuse them. If they hate animals, then they shouldn't keep any!


Well-known member
thanks for the support everyone.. the cops called and gave him another warning and left! i was so enraged that i called an animal welfare orginazation, left my name this time and demanded someone come back. they did this morning and thankfully the dog was taken away. my heart is pounding, i was so sicken to see that the cops once again slapped the guy on the wrist gave him a fine and left. they gave him 48 hours to get a new collar but animal control took him away this time.
as awful as it sounds i considered stealing him and dropping him off at the shelter. please don't judge me for saying that, i was just so upset!


Well-known member
You did the right thing. Thank you so much!

I'm really pleased to hear the dog will now be heading for the quality of life it deserves.

Without your help, how long would the suffering have gone on for?

As for stealing the dog? You wouldn't have been stealing it. You'd have been rescuing it. There's all the difference in the world.

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