Animal Cruelty :'(


Well-known member
You do not sound like a nut! You sound like someone that loves animals, and think they're lives and the quality of their lives are just as important as anyone elses.
I think that the exact opposit of a crazy person.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


Well-known member
Thank goodness, and good for you for staying on top of this. This poor animal can now get the care and attention that it needs. It sounds like it has an embedded collar which is horribly painful. Bless you!!!!


Well-known member
Make sure the pup goes to a No kill shelter, I am on a rescue forum for dogs (I am a bit dog mad) and its really important that they go to no kill shelters. If you know what breed they are contact a breed rescue and try to assist with the furbaby getting in to a good home at the breed rescue until he finds his furever home.

I am currently rescuing 2 pups when I get to my new house in florida, and I WILL become a foster mom for up to 2 more dogs as my boyfriend will be working from home during the day now. :)

Thanks so much for doing this, your Original post had me in tears, let us know if you find out anything else!


Well-known member
I am proud of you! It's nice to know that you didn't let go of this situation so easy, you made sure the pup was taken away from that awful person. If I could I would adopt more animals, but I still live at home, and yeah my mom doesn't want any more pets. I too, plan on rescuing dogs when I live on my own. There are a lot of animals that are in need of a good home out there.


Well-known member
To be totally honest if they didn't do anything I would steal the dog.

I know thats just me and I am speaking for myself and my own actions, but if no one was willing to do anything, I would steal the dog.

I would likely take to a shelter out of town or somewhere I knew it would be safe.

But I'm glad the authorities took the proper action. I have NO patience for animal abuse and cruelty. I will go to drastic measures to stop it.


Well-known member
I'm so glad that you've taken action to get this poor little guy the help he needs and hopefully into a much better loving home. Considering how cute he sounds like and that he's young and hopefully healthy, he should have no issue with finding a new home to live in.

I seriously don't understand why the cops just left the guy with another the first and second one did anything at all! I mean either way they've also got to be tired to having to run out to that house all the time because of complaints that they should of done something about it. I'm just glad he's away from this monster and is in much safer hands.

I forgot to mention this. But I would of made a plan whenever the guy wasn't home, to go over their and steal the dog too if nothing was done to help him. I think anyone would of if they've seen how bad things were for him!


Well-known member
thanks again everyone. because i went through the animal activist group he was taken to a no kill shelter. they said to call at the end of the week to check up on the status.
i adopted my dog (a brindle pit bull named Bruno) from a shelter and i love him very much. i got him when he was about a year old, which is about the age of thumper (the dog's name).
i would have taken on thumper but bruno has some problems because he was never socialized right. i do not think that has anything to do with him being a pit bull, i think he just had crappy owners.. other than that he came home healthy (except for ear mites at the time) and crate trained! but i was scared thumper would make him sick and was not sure how they would get along (i do not think pit bulls are bad but i prefer him in a one dog home, although he gets along great with my parent's dog). also i really cannot take on more vet bills - bruno is healthy and i still had to shell out $75 for a minor ear infection last week (ever since we got him he had problems with his ears, the vet said it was likely because his ear mites were so bad when he was a pup)
i am really upset by this though. i'm no hero, i was just scared. ::shurgs::


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
thanks again everyone. because i went through the animal activist group he was taken to a no kill shelter. they said to call at the end of the week to check up on the status.
i adopted my dog (a brindle pit bull named Bruno) from a shelter and i love him very much. i got him when he was about a year old, which is about the age of thumper (the dog's name).
i would have taken on thumper but bruno has some problems because he was never socialized right. i do not think that has anything to do with him being a pit bull, i think he just had crappy owners.. other than that he came home healthy (except for ear mites at the time) and crate trained! but i was scared thumper would make him sick and was not sure how they would get along (i do not think pit bulls are bad but i prefer him in a one dog home, although he gets along great with my parent's dog). also i really cannot take on more vet bills - bruno is healthy and i still had to shell out $75 for a minor ear infection last week (ever since we got him he had problems with his ears, the vet said it was likely because his ear mites were so bad when he was a pup)
i am really upset by this though. i'm no hero, i was just scared. ::shurgs::

I feel the same way, I don't have any pets due to allergies (I hope to get a puppy one day though!). But whenever I seen those animal rescue shows, I just want to adopt and take care of every animal I see on there. It's not realistic to adopt every single helpless animal but you can only do so much ya know? And you've done a great job of helping out Thumper and I would feel proud if I were you!

I hate the misconception that dogs like pit bulls are mean or super aggressive. Any animal can end up that way if there owners suck. It takes a lot of work and time to properly train your pets and there are just some people who don't care. And even worse the people who do dogfights and stuff, just sickening seriously.


Well-known member
i know the pitbull thing is a peeve of mine, as my dog is so sweet and i can see the way some people view him and it makes me sad because i know he just wants attention.


Well-known member
Well, you may not think your a hero, but to Thumper you are. That's all that matters.

I don't like the pitt bull misconception either. I think they have a tendency to be more aggressive than most other breeds, but with proper training, love and care,i think that can easily be overridden. Certain breeds have specific personality traits (like irish setters are supposed to be veyr high strung), but that doesn't mean that the entire breed is like that. I think aggression can be a fairly simple thing to crub from a young age.


Well-known member
Thank you so much for doing this for this poor dog. I LOATHE people who mistreat animals... I'm already suspicious enough of someone who doesn't like animals... I probably would have kidnapped him and done very passive aggressive things to my terrible neighbor... but that's just me. If I had my way, punishment would be the exact same thing done to him that he did to that poor dog =(

Thank you again!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
i know the pitbull thing is a peeve of mine, as my dog is so sweet and i can see the way some people view him and it makes me sad because i know he just wants attention.

Originally Posted by Mabelle
Well, you may not think your a hero, but to Thumper you are. That's all that matters.

I don't like the pitt bull misconception either. I think they have a tendency to be more aggressive than most other breeds, but with proper training, love and care,i think that can easily be overridden. Certain breeds have specific personality traits (like irish setters are supposed to be veyr high strung), but that doesn't mean that the entire breed is like that. I think aggression can be a fairly simple thing to crub from a young age.

It's all about learning how to control it from early on and how to allow them to use their energy (if there very high energy dogs) on something else. Like taking them out for frequent walks or dog parks to play in order to release all that excess pent up energy which they can't let go of just sitting around at home.

Aww, all of this makes me want a puppy even more! Only if my allergies weren't being so stupid and if the parents allowed it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
It's all about learning how to control it from early on and how to allow them to use their energy (if there very high energy dogs) on something else. Like taking them out for frequent walks or dog parks to play in order to release all that excess pent up energy which they can't let go of just sitting around at home.

Aww, all of this makes me want a puppy even more! Only if my allergies weren't being so stupid and if the parents allowed it.

they are very high energy which is part of the problem with people owning them
i do walk mine everyday and he plays in the yard but i would not take him to a dog park. as much as i love pit bulls i do not think they should be around other dogs like that (i do not trust other dogs unleashed coming up to him because i do not know how he might react, for example). if i am watching someone else's dog i would not leave them unsurpervised neither. that said i love the breed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
they are very high energy which is part of the problem with people owning them
i do walk mine everyday and he plays in the yard but i would not take him to a dog park. as much as i love pit bulls i do not think they should be around other dogs like that (i do not trust other dogs unleashed coming up to him because i do not know how he might react, for example). if i am watching someone else's dog i would not leave them unsurpervised neither. that said i love the breed.

Yeah, sometimes it's OTHER people's dogs. If I was a dog and some other dog just starts approaching me being all aggressive I'd freak out too and would have to react in order to defend myself. This again goes back to people having to train them properly and everything. There are some dogs that just don't do well around others so yeah.


Well-known member
i agree one time i was walking my bruno and a dog ran up to him and starting to play fight with him, bruno kind of growled and i held him back and picked up the (obviously) smaller dog and held him. i got bit lol but i rather get bit than have the little dog bit my bruno who no doubt would be put down if he did something in return.)
i do not really like to take him to places where other dogs are but sometimes it just happens.


Well-known member
i was at my aunt's house the other day, and all of a sudden i saw alittle boston terrier on he rfront lawn. Her two dogs were barking, and the house is in the country with no fenched in yards. Anyway, i found out where he lived (up the stree) and picked him up and and brought him home. He was so flippin cute and he was licking my face like crazy.
Basically it was awesome. I talked baout him for days. His name was nacho.

That was a great night.
tahts all

EDIT: weird, the same thing happened at my house today. My mom saw a golden running aorund the street. She just closed the door after a while. I got my shoes and coat on and went outside and was walking up and down the street with him, trying to find him home. He was nuts, running around everywhere, and making my job very difficult. Anyway, i found him home, so im happy

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