Anime and Manga - Anyone here?


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Originally Posted by spectrolite
I love manga and anime. I read the Naruto manga each week and have read Blade of the Immortal.

As for anime series and movies well I've watched so many but these are some of my faves:
- Naruto >_< Dattebayo!
- Record of the Loddoss war - my all time favorite fantasy series
- Bastard!
- Vampire Princess Miyu (original series)
- Fushigi Yuugi
- Card Captor Sakura (hehe, well i thought it was cute!)
- Berzerk
- Hellsing
- Cowboy Bebop
- Space Adventure Cobra
- Ninja Scroll
- Akira
- Afro Samurai
- Vampire Hunter D
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Battle Angel Alita
- Lupin
- Vision of Escaflowne
- Anything by Hayao Miyazaki (especially Howls Moving Castle <3)

I was actually really surprised when I like Howl's Moving Castle... at least as much as I thought I would. I went out and bought the book afterwards, and even though of course it's extremely different, they were both so good.

And I forgot about Cardcaptor Sakura, leave it to CLAMP.


Well-known member
lol i used to love anime and manga, but i haven't watched it in years. my favorites used to be
Trigun (I had such a big crush on Nicolas Wolfwood it's not even funny haha. Oh, hell I still think he's hot)
Azumanga Daioh (yay randomness)
Cowboy Bebop

and some other ones, I can't remember all of them


AHH! Manga & anime are totally the best things ever.

I don't really watch the anime shows, but moreso the movies- omgomg Hayao Miyazaki <333
I do own the Elfen Lied and Vision of Escaflowne series though.

Manga farrr I have:

Princess Ai
Tarot Cafe
Petshop of Horrors
Under the Glass Moon
Beautiful People



Well-known member
Anime and Manga have been obsessions of mine ever since I was little kid, I remember being 5 and crying my eyes out with Candy Candy (very old shoujo manga/anime), moving onto Saint Seiya and so on and so forth.

Having seen much of what's been listed here, my preferences are mainly shoujo and CLAMP and right now I'm watching Code Geass, NANA and Victorian Romance Emma. Manga, I'm reading Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and xxxHolic.


Well-known member
aw man.
i got super excited when i saw this thread, but then saw the date.
if anyone is still reading;

oh my godess!
no need for tenchi
ranma 1/2
lodoss war
i luv halloween
magic knight rayerth
ultra cute

(mostly movies :/)
howl's moving castle
spirited away
kiki's delivery service
princess mononoke
lodoss war
ranma 1/2

and if anyone knows, i used to read a manga that had a girl with a catsuit on and she wore ears...she was hella trampy looking, and i remember the book was pretty big.
any ideas of what this was?


Well-known member
awww ranma 1/2!!! That brings back such memories lol I ordered the first book from a bookstore but stopped after that because I started spending my cash on other stuff. I always wanted to get into oh my goddess! too. I luv halloween sounds good, I've never heard of it tho.

I wonder if the OP still posts here haha I just saw the date too. Her taste in anime is exactly like my friend's. She turned me onto a lot of Shoujo series.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
I love manga and anime. I read the Naruto manga each week and have read Blade of the Immortal.

As for anime series and movies well I've watched so many but these are some of my faves:
- Naruto >_< Dattebayo!
- Record of the Loddoss war - my all time favorite fantasy series
- Bastard!
- Vampire Princess Miyu (original series)
- Fushigi Yuugi
- Card Captor Sakura (hehe, well i thought it was cute!)
- Berzerk
- Hellsing
- Cowboy Bebop
- Space Adventure Cobra
- Ninja Scroll
- Akira
- Afro Samurai
- Vampire Hunter D
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Battle Angel Alita
- Lupin
- Vision of Escaflowne
- Anything by Hayao Miyazaki (especially Howls Moving Castle <3)

Omg, i LOVE Sakura Cardcaptor! so cute! >.< Brings back memories *sniff*

Hmm, has anyone heard of knights of the zodiac? (or something like that) yeah i used to watch that when i was like 7 LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissDeViousDiVa
awww ranma 1/2!!! That brings back such memories lol I ordered the first book from a bookstore but stopped after that because I started spending my cash on other stuff. I always wanted to get into oh my goddess! too. I luv halloween sounds good, I've never heard of it tho.

I wonder if the OP still posts here haha I just saw the date too. Her taste in anime is exactly like my friend's. She turned me onto a lot of Shoujo series.

ranma 1/2 is AMAZING!
excpet there's like a billion of them, so probably a lot of your money would be going towards that if you wanted the whole collection.

oh my goddess! is hella good too.
it's really cute, and the art is really nice as well.

i luv halloween is craaazy!
i love it!
it's pretty much about these kids who are obsessed with halloween, and their adventures on halloween each year.
it's REALLY good.
i highly recommend it.
it's pretty gory though, idk if you're into that, but i am!


Active member
i've been reading mangas for so long but its been forever since ive read new stuff
i was a die hard fac of YuYu Hakusho, that manga was just plain awesomeness, and i was so in love with the main character
fushigi yuugi was my first love, and the anime made me cry so much, when Nuriko died... T__T
i loved anything by Yuu Watase, Ranma was also the shit back in the days, Alichino was also really good artisticaly speaking
i cant remember them all but those are the ones that really changed my life haha
now i'm only reading Nana and Death Note, damn those mangas are so good


Active member
and while in the subject of anime/manga, that obsession led me to japanese rock music, anyone listened to that? haha J-rock is what got me into makeup, crazy dudes wearing crazy makeup...oh god


Well-known member
I used to love reading manga but now a days I have been busy. I used to read fruits basket, and vampire knight. I need to finish reading fruits basket because I collect the series. I stopped reading vampire knight because of the whole brother sister issue thing and kinda thought it waa getting boring. I still like to watch short romantic anime series. Now, I am just waiting for the new korra avatar series coming out in April.


Well-known member
I purchased the FLCL Omnibus yesterday and I am going to start reading it tomorrow. I am also currently working on Fruits Basket. :)


Well-known member
I like anime and still watch it, but not as much as I used to. However, I stopped reading manga but it was because I got lazy.

Some of my favorite anime are:

The Rose of Versailles
Legend of The Galactic Heroes (if they ever had an OST it would be to die for)
Michiko to Hatchin
Daily Lives of High School Boys
Cromartie High
Neon Genesis Evangelion
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cowboy Bebop
Any movie from Studio Ghibli and Satoshi Kon

I currently have Polar Bear Cafe, Mawaru Penguin Drum, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Sakamichi no Apollon on rotation.


Well-known member
-Studio Ghibli movies: So amazing!
- Cardcaptor Sakura (both Anime and manga)
- Sailor Moon (Manga re-issues, and I can't wait for the new anime and merchandise! I love it so much)
- A bit of Death Note
- A lil of Vampire Knight too.

I used to love stuff like this, I will watch anime now if someone else is but if not I find it hard to focus. It's weird. I have all the time in the world for Sailor Moon though - I fell in love with that anime (dubbed) very young.


Well-known member
I'm not really into manga but I do love me some anime. Off the top of my head here are some of my favorites

Full Metal Alchemist
Trinity Blood
High School of the Dead
Death Note
Soul Eater
Outlaw Star
Afro Samurai
Darker Than Black
Black Butler
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
So it's been a long time since I've gotten into anime again but now I have Netflix. I finished Soul Eater awhile back and really liked it!
And since being on Tumblr, Free! has been occupying my Wednesdays with well drawn nipple-less bodies. Group on boys on a swim team...hilarious and hot!

I caught a horror-mystery-thriller via Gogoanime called Another! It was on Anime Network on Demand ( I have Time Warner) and I could not wait for episodes to slowly filter on so I had to finish this short series in a two days. Beautiful, creepy, well animated just everything! It's about this group of students, who like students before them, have had to suffer dying one by one each month for someone unknown reason.

Also quite thrilled Netflix put Digimon season 1 and 2 up in English and Japanese! I'm living middle school all over again! And since checking the Digimon tag on Tumblr, I've discovered Digimon has really kept it's presence alive in Japan all these years! There have been so many seasons and movies!

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Haven't watched any of it yet but people are liking this anime called Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin. I also want to pic up on Deadman Wonderland since CN cut it off before it got even more violent.