anniversary pics


New member
heehee, u two are so sweet. thanks so much! and thanks for the wishes... i wish us many more too... haha


New member
looooooong story...

Friend of a friend... lol

i had been with my ex for about... hmmmm a year and then we both met Charlie through a mutual friend. At the time he was in a relationship but all of us became kinda cool. We would hang out a lot and then he moved to the Pocanos. His g/f became a bitch (i think she just couldnt handle the long distance) and broke up with him. But he would always tell me to try to get them back together cuz he missed her so much... in the process of getting them together me and him became really close. Just friends though. My ex and Charlie didnt get along too too well though, they clashed a bit cuz my ex was really immature and stupid (something I saw as funny back then) and Charlie (although younger) was a lot more mature and like settle down type. So we used to talk on the phone a lot, mostly about how much he missed his ex and all that. Then he moved back to the city but by this time his ex had another b/f or g/f i dont remember and she didnt want him back. He was so depressed and shit, I would try to cheer him up and tried to hook him up with my friends cuz he was just such a great guy. By this time a couple of years had passed and me and my ex were starting to have problems. He would always try to make me feel better telling me that all the problems we were having were normal and that my ex would come around. Made me feel like I actually had a normal relationship that would last (rather than a failing relationship that I was trying to hold on to with a moldy string)... Then my ex became extremly jealous of Charlie... telling me I couldnt hang out with him anymore and he didnt want me talking to him and all this rediculous stuff. So if you know me, you'll know I dont do well with ppl TELLING me what to do... especially when Im 21 years old and support my goddam self... so we started arguing a lot. Mind you by this time he had starting hanging out with his ex (who was the first love of his life) a lot... so I started thinking he was cheating... he ended up breaking up with me telling me I was a slut and that I was cheating on him and all this shit... I bought it and thought it was all my fault... Charlie was there to make me feel a little better.... and like 5 months later there me us!!! The end... lol


Well-known member
*fans self* dang, lady! You really are one sexy chica!
You guys look so happy, and I love how your hair looks different but still fabulous in every picture!