

Well-known member
What is you biggest annoyance?

Mines loud music, it seems to follow me. I've had to ring the police on my back neighbours 4 times, I've been over and complained to my next door neighbours about 3 times but have given up because he is a young guy who clearly never listens to me and now the guy who lives in the room next to me is playing music SO loud. we live in close proximity wtf is going through his head? He has to know I can hear it.
It really angers me because I get migraines and the chemist was all out of panadeine 15
and it aggravates my anxiety. I broke down last year because of my old housemates and music, I was nearly at the point of quiting uni and moving back home. I really hope this doesn't continue. I really suck at being assertive and really cannot deal with it, it's 9:30pm so I really have no where I can go to avoid it and just relax. He also has his friends around late and talk really loud. I have enough things to worry about. Loud music literally drives me insane, if it happened persistently I wouldn't put it pass me to abuse somebody (I'm the most passive, anti violent person).

This is me right now

I solely support the earplug industry lol.

Anyway, what makes you so angry you want to strangle somebody?


Well-known member
It pisses me off when kids (aka CHAVS!!!) are on the back of the bus or even walking near you and have rave tunes being played on their phones.. makes my ears burn that does

and for those of you who dont know what chavs are: they wear their 'tracky bottoms' tucked into their big thick socks, mostly wear nike air max trainers, wear hoodies and berghaus coats, think smoking is kool, talk in a weird squeeky common voice, most of them steal things, skive off school, have many drug dealer friends and the girls usually wear a bright orange mask with clumpy mascara


Well-known member
Oh thats sooo annoying. People on public transport here ALWAYS do that. Sometimes they don't even both with headphones, they just play their shitty music out load.


Well-known member
yeh how annoying!!! we dont wanna listen to your annoying loud music... i especially hate it after a long day when you are tired and just wanna get home, then all you can hear is their shitty music in your ear


Well-known member
Drug addicts/People that dont work for a living and earn more money from our taxes!!!!!
. I was on the bus today and there was druggies complaning about how hard there life is about how they have a really busy day today by doing F*** All. Complaning about how they have to look after there kids!!. Do you know in my town drug addicts get £10-£20 a week if they have a dog????? I swear this makes me soooo mad. They just spend the money on drugs !!! I was on the bus cursing lol.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
My boss right now, because she gets furious when the students don't read and complete labs and wants us to monitor their every move so that they don't mess up. I've been blamed for their mistakes (I personally would be insulted if at college age, a TA thought I needed to have my hand held during a lab) by her, even when the students aren't that particularly mad. I just generally hate being blamed for other people's fuckups, because I can't do anything to really change that.

My other annoyance is my neighbor hates our building, acts like a spoiled brat about it (she thinks her apartment problems need to be taken care of IMMEDIATELY), and furthermore, feels it's her God-given right to be a bitch towards the independently contracted workers here. When I was trying to talk to one of them (wanted to get through), she snottily said, "He can't understand English, like all of them", like he did something wrong.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
Drug addicts/People that dont work for a living and earn more money from our taxes!!!!!
. I was on the bus today and there was druggies complaning about how hard there life is about how they have a really busy day today by doing F*** All. Complaning about how they have to look after there kids!!. Do you know in my town drug addicts get £10-£20 a week if they have a dog????? I swear this makes me soooo mad. They just spend the money on drugs !!! I was on the bus cursing lol.

i hate druggies too... they scare me especially when im on the bus on my own meetin friends in town.. they sometimes get on and sit near me, i always keep tight hold of my bag coz thats what most of them are after.. and they talk so damn loud that i know what their mothers names are and what street they grew up in by the time i get off the bus... and i never knew that about them gettin money if they have a dog :| thats scandalous!! they shouldnt even be allowed to have dogs because all they care about is drugs


Well-known member
Haha you got that right about them taking so loud? what is the need for this? They dont live glam lifes that everyone wants to know about if you listen to them its all about when they get their next giro oh and how they can afford a 50inch tele haha.


Well-known member
My boss right now, because she gets furious when the students don't read and complete labs and wants us to monitor their every move so that they don't mess up. I've been blamed for their mistakes (I personally would be insulted if at college age, a TA thought I needed to have my hand held during a lab) by her, even when the students aren't that particularly mad. I just generally hate being blamed for other people's fuckups, because I can't do anything to really change that.

Arg that's stupid, if they're still learning aren't they bound to make mistakes. I'm in my 3rd year of uni studying biological science and I still make mistakes. It's definitely not your fault.

Drug addicts/People that dont work for a living and earn more money from our taxes!!!!!
. I was on the bus today and there was druggies complaning about how hard there life is about how they have a really busy day today by doing F*** All. Complaning about how they have to look after there kids!!. Do you know in my town drug addicts get £10-£20 a week if they have a dog????? I swear this makes me soooo mad. They just spend the money on drugs !!! I was on the bus cursing lol.

That would piss me off too. I live off government support at the moment because I'm a full time uni student and find my course to be quite demanding. It annoys me how dole bludgers get so much money for nothing whereas I live off $220 a week in a city of increasing high rent and food prices are outrageous. Even with my summer job I cannot afford to drive.


Well-known member
Iam struggling to fit in driving lessons to. Where I live if you are 16-18 and in college you get £30 a week ??? Its so sh*t. Last year that was what I had to live on. Junkies that dont work get soo much I read this thing on the news website the other day that this one family hasnt worked for 3 generations and they earn £33,000 a year on benefits!! they said its their right to claim benefits. Makes me sooooooo mad !!


Well-known member
£33,000 HOLY SHIT I'm not 100% sure of the conversion to AUD but that's a hell of a lot of money to earn P.A. off benefits. That's so wrong.


Well-known member
There is this girl I know since 2005. We met lots of time during get togethers from a message board. It's been on and off but we still talk, never had any direct fight...

But I just realised how much ungrattefull she as been to me.

When we met, it was at a nightclub, and since she lived a little far from the place, I offered her to come at my place to sleep. A guy came with us... you can already guess that they had sex in my living room. The next day, they were cuddeling (sp??) on my bed, I went in the next room, came back and they were UNDER my sheets o_0 I had to ask them 3 times to get out my bed... We stopped talking for a while after that... and she came back in my life, we saw each other in get togethers again.

What annoys me about her is that she CONSTANTLY complains about anything. Thursday, we had a conversation, I was trying (once again) to help her get back on track, she had an issue and she litteraly told me that she didnt considered me as a friend but as a person online who knows a little about her. And that 97% of the people she knows are going to be ''flushed''.

Well... thank you

Ho and by the way, after 4 years I am the only one still talking to her, gave her a tv (she didnt have any and she was complaining about being lonely in her room back home, her parents aren't very rich)...

But she doesnt consider me as a friend
And still, she complains all the time to me
I don't wanna be mean to her, so I guess I'll be very ''absent'' for a while


Well-known member
i understand that you are pissed off about people who claim off benefits but not everybody has a choice, my mother hasnt worked for about 11 year as shes been on the sick and she gets benefits.. if it wasnt for my auntie we wouldnt be living in such a wealthy area and gettin nice holidays etc. My boyfriend was on the dole for about 6 months and he was the one who was always commited to getting a job, and now he finally got one because he showed them how bad he wanted it... i had to go down with him a few times and i felt totally embarrased because its mostly druggies n people who dont even want to get a job so i was scared incase people saw me lol but not everybody can help it really


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
oh and how they can afford a 50inch tele haha.

omg i dont understand that AT all :|
they have huge teles, big stereo systems, computers, and all that... most of them will get it second hand off their mates who steal i bet :p
there was someone in my town who recently got arrested because he was growin drugs in his HOUSE!!! haha what an ass... and they said he had at least £200,000 worth of eletricals in his house and a huge plasma tv

how the hell do they do it?


Well-known member
Willa I know exactly how you feel, I have a friend whose like that. Her and I had been really good friends for awhile and then we started working together. She and some other girls were my lift to work and she'd pretty much ignore me the whole time and to be honest a completely bitch to me. Now she expects me to wanna hang out/talk, well I'm sick of it so I'm currently being 'absent' lol.
She's now working in QLD (a beautiful place) with these other girls and some random guy. Didn't even bother to ask if I'd like to work up there too.
She didn't even invite me to her exhibition (she'd just finished her photography course). She had the nerve to invite the other girls and they'd go on about when I was around grrr some people just don't deserve friends.


Well-known member
i understand that you are pissed off about people who claim off benefits but not everybody has a choice, my mother hasnt worked for about 11 year as shes been on the sick and she gets benefits.. if it wasnt for my auntie we wouldnt be living in such a wealthy area and gettin nice holidays etc. My boyfriend was on the dole for about 6 months and he was the one who was always commited to getting a job, and now he finally got one because he showed them how bad he wanted it... i had to go down with him a few times and i felt totally embarrased because its mostly druggies n people who dont even want to get a job so i was scared incase people saw me lol but not everybody can help it really

That's understandable, it's the people who doesn't care about working and don't have a legitimate reason for being on the dole that piss me off


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i understand that you are pissed off about people who claim off benefits but not everybody has a choice, my mother hasnt worked for about 11 year as shes been on the sick and she gets benefits.. if it wasnt for my auntie we wouldnt be living in such a wealthy area and gettin nice holidays etc. My boyfriend was on the dole for about 6 months and he was the one who was always commited to getting a job, and now he finally got one because he showed them how bad he wanted it... i had to go down with him a few times and i felt totally embarrased because its mostly druggies n people who dont even want to get a job so i was scared incase people saw me lol but not everybody can help it really

My mum also got benfits because she was sick, Its when people abuse the system like drug/drink addicts that have got nothing wrong with them but they are just lazy.


Well-known member
My annoyances are people who don't respect personal space, and people who cheat the government because they can. Someone I know who is married "claims" she isn't so her children get free lunches, and she gets a huge tax return because of this. Her and her husband make too much money together for them to get these "free" things. If you are in need, that's one thing, but just because you're dishonest is another. She can't go to jury duty because she says she doesn't speak English...she speaks it perfectly. They are constantly renovating their home, but never get permits for any of it. I could go on and on about her dishonesty, and the worst part is that she is so proud of all of it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
My annoyances are people who don't respect personal space, and people who cheat the government because they can. Someone I know who is married "claims" she isn't so her children get free lunches, and she gets a huge tax return because of this. Her and her husband make too much money together for them to get these "free" things. If you are in need, that's one thing, but just because you're dishonest is another. She can't go to jury duty because she says she doesn't speak English...she speaks it perfectly. They are constantly renovating their home, but never get permits for any of it. I could go on and on about her dishonesty, and the worst part is that she is so proud of all of it.

And lemme guess...the have nice cars, a big screen TV and she wears designer stuff. Reminds me of that bumper sticker..."I'm off to work. Millions on welfare depend on me."
It really pisses me off that I work (or will be working here in the near future as soon as I graduate) so that others can sit on their ass and make money off my blood, sweat, and tears.


Well-known member
You got it! Everything except the designer duds! AFAIK they aren't on welfare since they both have jobs, but it's not because she wouldn't do it, just probably because she can't do it. I've been tempted to call the city...I'm sure they would be very interested in all the illegal renovations constantly going on over there, but what kind of person would I be doing that? Hopefully, it's only a matter of time before karma comes around. That's what I tell myself anyway.