Another DEMO story!!


Hello Everyone,

I joined Specktra earlier this week and have been thoroughly enjoying it since! Everyone here is truly amazing and so unique! I absolutely love it! I wanted to share my demo story as well and hopefully it will help someone as you all have helped me!

My makeup interview was yesterday afternoon at 2:30 with the trainer. He was the nicest and sweetest person ever! I asked my beautiful grandmother to be my model which was an excellent choice. Anyway, when I arrived Jim (the trainer) showed me to the work station and got me aquainted with the layout of products. The employee that was working found me a brush belt to use doing the demo. At this point I was so freaking nervous! But once I took a step back and had a talk with myself I got back in the game. Jim gave me my scenario which was my model going to a formal event and doesn't normally wear makeup but now wants something punchy and dramatic. I thought to myself this is something that I could work with. So I santized my hands a few times (lol) while working up my plan of action mentally. Jim was like if "you need anything please ask, I'm here to help you. This isn't for me to judge you, but more or less see where you are. Take your time, you'll do great and your makeup looks fabulous by the way!" After that I completely relaxed, it also helped that my grandmother is very calming by nature.

I started with her foundation, keeping in mind that less is more in this case so I opted for the foundation stick with the studio fix plus (I think) which was a trick I learned from you all (thanks by the way!
) Then focused on her eyes which I wanted to keep in the deep purple palette and complemented that with a subtle pink blush. Jim came around every so often and complimented my choices and technique. My confidence was back in full action. He also asked questions about the favorite MAC products, what I currently do now, to my personal style. He also questioned my grandmother who loved to talk!! I loved every second of it! After chatting and laughing for a little I directed my attention to the lips I went for a deep reddish-brown color. Originally I went for red but ended up creating my own color, so I inadvertanly showed my creativity. After that added a few finishing touches, cleaned my work area and was done in about 25-30mins. He asked me what I would of changed and I said that I would of went for a darker highlighting eyeshadow. He agreed but said that I made the color work in the end by using buffing techniques, I was thinking that sounds good to me! He loved the lip color being my focus instead of the eyes. Part one accomplished!

NEXT! I was met with the Regional Director. Again, she was extremely nice and personable, very easy to talk to. But she definitely grilled me hardcore. It wasn't anything hard or overwhelming but I it just wasn't what I was expecting of her. She asked me about my retail experience/ customer service. She also gave me a few situational questions in regards to customers and the opportunity for growth. We spoke about the training aspect, MAC certifications, pregnancy (lol) and everything in between. I think we spoke about for at least 30 mins.

Overall, it was a great experience! I almost feel silly for being as nervous as I was. I should hear back sometime next week! But I do want to thank everyone for being so helpful and informative with their experiences. And also for sharing your talents with everyone! I will keep you guys posted, and keep for fingers crossed for me!

Thanks again!!!!!!


Well-known member
Sounds like you did really good! And its great that you took your grandma because of the MAC mantra! Also what did she say about pregnancy? I was never asked anything like that in my interviews!

Good luck! let us know when you hear back


Thanks a bunch ladies! LOL Glamdoll, the Regional Director is pregnant and I recently had a baby as well, so we shared stories!! It was great, but yea any questions about whether an applicant is pregnant etc is illegal, but it was nothing like that!!

And miss_supra, I read your demo story and that is what encouraged me to first apply and also it is what helped me to know what I was doing once I got there! So thanks sooo much, I appreciate it tons!

And Miss Kensie, I hope you are right about bringing my grandmother! Your going to make a wonderful artist someday!!!!

I will let you all know the outcome! And thanks again ladies!


Hey Darkbeauty, I haven't heard yet but I called today and the manager told me she was playing phone tag with the trainer! So I haven't been ruled out yet! But I still will keep you all posted, thanks for asking though!!!


Well-known member

that's so cute to bring your grandmother, I bet she felt so youthful getting all glammed up! hah


New member
ooh i hope you get it. i'm new to specktra too & i'm also going tomorrow to turn in my app at MAC. i'm SO nervous about the demo.


New member
ooh congratulations! i'm new to specktra too & i'm also going tomorrow to turn in my app at MAC. i'm SO nervous about the demo.


New member
Hey all! I'm new here too and I began my MAC process back in late august. I had my first interview and then I skipped around and met the regional and district manager and interviewed with them and now I'm waiting for my makeup interview date. I'm nervous about the whole process and it's taking so long but I keep my fingers crossed and I'll keep you guys updated. Congratulations GlamChik!