Another Pitt baby.


Well-known member
Major props to her MA too. Not over the top but letting that bone structure do the work.


Well-known member
They're really a sexy couple!

Angie's so beautiful. She's glowing. Her man's hot, too.


Well-known member
Honestly, I like when a few of these stars don't come out to the media and say "I'm pregnant" like some of them when they make a big song and dance. Like with Jennifer Lopez, there were rumors for years and years, always denied, she even denied during her current pregnancy, then didn't address it til she announced it publicly during her tour (correct me if I'm wrong). And didn't state that it was twins either.

And I've only heard speculation, but not actual "from the horses mouth" for either Brad or Angelina to the media.

I think its sad how kinda crazy the whole hollywood thing has become and I like when they keep it private (as much as they can for as long as possible).

They sure have had their family grow so fast, its mind boggling!!


Well-known member
I have 3 kids under 5 and it is extremely difficult to watch them all and care for them. I wonder how much the Jolie-Pitts actually see their kids and spend quality time with them other than the pictures we see in the press. How much are they stuck with the nanny considering both parents film movies all the time and don't ever seem to take breaks.


Well-known member
God, I freaking love this woman. So gorgeous! She's glowing!

Brad looks like he's a seventies throwback. Me no likey,


Well-known member
I hate to say this, but I see that some Hollywood couples are having kids because that's what's "IN". I saw on an interview that Gwen S. wanted a baby because EVERYONE was having a baby. I mean COME ON. A child is forever IT IS NOT an ACCESSORY. Some of these people only think for themselves.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Nearly all of them are having twins. lol

maybe it's the new hollywood thing, lol.


Well-known member
I wonder if Gwen just got the baby itch again, like when all your friends are having kids, or are about to, I know I've started to think---yeah I'd like that.

I know of at least one person who waited to try to get pregnant til her friend got pregnant so they could be pregnant at the same time (lifelong friends and all, I found it kinda weird, but to each her own)


Well-known member
^ Me and my friend were pregnant at the same time until I had an abortion
It would have been kind of fun to be pregnant at the same time, and have our babies close in age.

Anyways....They have a lot of kids. I couldn't do it! They seem to be doing well though so good for them.


Well-known member
Actresses used to put off having babies to focus on their careers. Now it seems you get more press if you have a baby than you get for your work, plus as much money for selling the photos


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
Brad looks like he's a seventies throwback. Me no likey,

Haha, thats the first thing I thought when I looked at Brad too. He kinda has a sleezy 70's record producer/porn director look about him. Maybe he's researching a role?

Ange looks just gorgeous as usual. Their rainbow family is going to have some more new additions and I wish them all well