Another Pitt baby.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovegreen
congrats to them, its great that their family's so diverse.

When you shop for kids around the world like some people shop for shoes, that's what happens.

I'm glad they're at least doing something to bring American awareness of other countries to the forefront, but I've always found it pretentious to point out problems in someone else's house when you've got trouble in your own back yard that needs to be fixed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
When you shop for kids around the world like some people shop for shoes, that's what happens.

I'm guessing they adopt from other countries because it is less likely the family will want the child back and/or a payoff. They are so poor they are less likely to be able to pay the hefty attorney's fees for an out of country adoption to get the kid back.
Although brangelina live together they still aren't married and that could be another reason why adopting abroad is easier.

although you'd think the kids have hit the jackpot as having them for parents how stable really is their life. I'm all for visiting the world and becoming enlightened in cultures the kids don't have a permanent home that i've heard of? In a way they are worse off than having to be an army brat and switching schools often. At least in that situation other kids are going through the same thing so their is some relation. they move around it seems every 6 months, how is that good for the eldest boy's education? Does he have a private tutor?
No stability in a child's life can be very damaging.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I have 3 kids under 5 and it is extremely difficult to watch them all and care for them. I wonder how much the Jolie-Pitts actually see their kids and spend quality time with them other than the pictures we see in the press. How much are they stuck with the nanny considering both parents film movies all the time and don't ever seem to take breaks.

yeah wtf how do they make time for all these red carpet events and such


Well-known member
i'm not a big fan of brad pitt, but at least angelina's pairing her genes with someone better looking than billybob thorton.


Well-known member
The good thing is even though they have a whole bunch of kids, they all seem to be undercontrol and normal. i don't see them becoming bratty rich kids. good job brangelina!


Well-known member
I don't really care for either of them.

I've never really liked Angelina- I don't think she's a particularly good actress and I've always been put off by her "I'm so wild and crazy and dark" facade. But when she started doing a lot of charity work, I thought, hmm maybe she's not so bad- then she comes out as a homewrecker who gets pregnant before the ink is dry on Brad's divorce papers and I think, hmm maybe I was right the first time. But still, I don't know these people so it doesn't really matter to me.

When she and Brad used the entire soveriegn nation of Namibia as their own personal fiefdom to avoid photogs and attempted to dictate who came in and out of the country and why, I began to seriously dislike her. How patronizing and how tacky.

Then she did that interview when she talked about JA in such a holier-than-thou way. I don't know- she just strikes me as smug and cold.

Brad is what Brad is. An aging, horny has-been heart throb.

Its great they're having so many kids though. It will make for endless tell-all books in the years to come!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
I don't really care for either of them.

I've never really liked Angelina- I don't think she's a particularly good actress and I've always been put off by her "I'm so wild and crazy and dark" facade. But when she started doing a lot of charity work, I thought, hmm maybe she's not so bad- then she comes out as a homewrecker who gets pregnant before the ink is dry on Brad's divorce papers and I think, hmm maybe I was right the first time. But still, I don't know these people so it doesn't really matter to me.

When she and Brad used the entire soveriegn nation of Namibia as their own personal fiefdom to avoid photogs and attempted to dictate who came in and out of the country and why, I began to seriously dislike her. How patronizing and how tacky.

Then she did that interview when she talked about JA in such a holier-than-thou way. I don't know- she just strikes me as smug and cold.

Brad is what Brad is. An aging, horny has-been heart throb.

Its great they're having so many kids though. It will make for endless tell-all books in the years to come!

I *so* love you. This pretty much sums up all of my feelings towards these two.


Well-known member
I'm rather surprised she was able to get pregnant at that unhealthy skinny state she was in. I guess with his super-sperm and her uber-fertile eggs, they're bound and determined to populate the Earth with pouty-lipped spawn. To each their own, I suppose, and congrats to them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I'm rather surprised she was able to get pregnant at that unhealthy skinny state she was in. I guess with his super-sperm and her uber-fertile eggs, they're bound and determined to populate the Earth with pouty-lipped spawn. To each their own, I suppose, and congrats to them.


I dont get it... she is having/adopting kids like one would build a MAC collection or something.. what is she trying to prove and if she is trying to make a statement, what IS the statement ???
Granted, she might love kids, but have only so many so you can truly devote time to them andtake care of them in the way they deserve. STOP having/adopting them because you want to show the world what a great mother you are and how much you care... thats what this looks like..
You cant start a zoo in your backyard coz you love animals..


Well-known member
Does anyone remember when she said she'd NEVER ever consider having her own children because she'd feel horrible bringing another child into this world when there are so many that need to be adopted?

Haha, and did anyone also see that Angelina bought her son Maddox a pack of gum that says "I love my penis"?


Well-known member
My question is, how is it that so many of them can have twins? I mean, with all of the gossip circling about "twin pregnancies" the number seems to be awfully high for it to be natural. Who knows, maybe twins are more common than I thought.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8
My question is, how is it that so many of them can have twins? I mean, with all of the gossip circling about "twin pregnancies" the number seems to be awfully high for it to be natural. Who knows, maybe twins are more common than I thought.

Most of the twins you see in these situations are IVF babies. In fact most of the over forty celebs are IVF babies with donor eggs.


Well-known member
Ugh sorry but I find these 2 such hypocrites! You see them supposedly caring for the impoverished all over the world but at the same time hopping from one city to another spending hundreds and thousands of dollars in hotel bills alone like there's no tomorrow? Yeah I know there's nothing wrong with enjoying the money that you have but not when you're putting this facade of giving a damn about the poor starving people....I mean the money that they spend a month could already feed 10 African villages! Their lifestyle is a slap on the faces of the people they supposedly care about.

And adoption is indeed a noble act, but I find something terribly wrong in transplanting a child from a world of nothing to a world of unbelievable and ridiculous luxury. What will become of these adopted children but rich spoiled brats who will have no sense of who they are or where they came from.


Active member
I hope all the rumours you read about their relationship being constantly on the rocks are just that- rumours. Although I still feel sad, after the things Angelina has said about Shiloh- that she is the odd one out, and she doesn't feel as obliged to meet Shiloh's needs since she was born privileged- it makes me wonder why they'd choose to have more biological children.

The voyeur in me wants to see what this child looks like, as another blend of such 'beautiful' genes. I think Shiloh is just so cute.


Well-known member
I heard she got pregnant to "keep" Brad. I cant wait to see how this baby is gonna look. Shiloh is so cute!