ANTM: Cycle 11


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I'm sad Isis went home.

And I LOVE Yohanna House...she is still my favorite model every from ANTM


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I envy Yohanna's facial bone structure.

I've seen a couple ANTM contestants do a few things here and there. Eugena did a small campaign for some urban-y clothing line. I see Dani in my mom's clothing catalogs. Sleisha has been in pretty major commercial/ modeling deals before ANTM so I don't even know why she went on the show.

I saw Jade from a really old issue of EBONY magazine in a fashion show and she was in an Apple Bottoms ad. Some girls got TV hosting gigs. But no one has reached supermodel status.

And for the winners who get that $100,000 Covergirl contract, I never see them doing anything else for CG except for their winning covergirl shoot for the show. What else do they do for CG to earn that hundred-grand?

The only model I think I could easily see doing high-fashion, major designer campaigns, ads, and runways is Anya from last season.


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Chantal from cycle 9(? i think) has been doing alottt which I love she was my favorite of the season! has all the pics of what the ladies of top model are up to now


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Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I envy Yohanna's facial bone structure.

I've seen a couple ANTM contestants do a few things here and there. Eugena did a small campaign for some urban-y clothing line. I see Dani in my mom's clothing catalogs. Sleisha has been in pretty major commercial/ modeling deals before ANTM so I don't even know why she went on the show.

I saw Jade from a really old issue of EBONY magazine in a fashion show and she was in an Apple Bottoms ad. Some girls got TV hosting gigs. But no one has reached supermodel status.

And for the winners who get that $100,000 Covergirl contract, I never see them doing anything else for CG except for their winning covergirl shoot for the show. What else do they do for CG to earn that hundred-grand?

The only model I think I could easily see doing high-fashion, major designer campaigns, ads, and runways is Anya from last season.

I know!!

they make a big deal about the CG ads and you never see them. You only see celebs like Rihanna, Queen Latifah and Drew Barrymore. It's so weird.

I know that the display in Walmarts fro CG has the winner from that challenge on the boards, but thats about it really.


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Elyse Sewell from Season 1 (who was also my fav contestant) is a full time model in Asia and has worked in Korea, China, Tokyo, Hong Kong...she lives over there and does print, runway, catalog, commercials, etc.

She has an incredibly humerous and witty blog: Elyse Sewell's Journal

...part of which has been published into a book! I think she made it the farthest of all those girls.


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Mollie Sue from season 6 who has been in italian and japanese Vogue and many other high fashion mags is my pick for the contestant who has made it the furthest. She is represented by elite in NY and storm in london. She has also been shot by Ellen Von Unwerth. I think she lives and works in Paris atm.

Mollie´s storm portfolio

Cant get the elite link to work, but she is under "women" which no other ex-antmer is.

Not a single antm pic in either of those lol. She was cast off the show for not having a personality. In other words she didnt create any drama.


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Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Clark (or w/e her name is) left!

I loved their mod-themed photoshoot!

The 60's hair and makeup was pretty cool!

I was soo surprised that they didn't send Joslyn home!

But Clark was kind of a biatch, and she has a weird nose!


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I loved Elyse and am so glad to hear she is doing well and working so much. I always thought she had a very high fashion look and that she took wonderful photos.


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I thought the photo shoot was very creative and alot of the girls fell flat at being great during it.

I thought what's her face (who won) did the best with working with the environment and emboding her "theme".

The other girls were just being pretty in the set and just did not get it.

M.A.C. head.

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This show officially sucks to me.

I'm so disappointed with where this season is going. I'm not entertained, nor am I interested in who wins.


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I still watch this show every week, lol. But I will admit, this season is getting to be way too over the top. I have officially began to hate Tyra Banks the on screen personality. But I still watch dangit. I do have to say that I want Sheena to win, even if she probably wont' get much high fashion work.

My sister-in-law has auditioned for that show for like 3 years now and still hasn't made it. So now, I feel obliged to watch so we can figure out what she's missing, lol. She always makes it to the round right before they pick the girl to be on tv. If you were interested you can check some of her pics here: Charde |Submissions|CW Detroit|America's Next Top Model

(sorry if that's a little off topic!)


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^^^Shes gorgeous.

This season is so blahhh. Like theres about 5 minutes i feel like in each epi that are worth watching. The rest is just filler.


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Based on this week's preview, looks like next week they are posing in shop windows in the red light district in Amsterdam. Should be a hoot!


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This is the first cycle where a black girl hasn't made it over seas.
I'd like an asian girl to win this but I don't think Sheena should be the winner. I'm actually hoping Marjorie wins because I like her look.


Sheena is so pretty and fierce!, but I hated it when she and Samantha didn't even try to understand Elena and Marjorie... Even though Elena and Marjorie have lived in USA for a while, they have had European raising. Europeans (especially Northern ones) aren't so bubbly and don't show their emotions like Americans.. All my friends who have visited in USA have said that it was very weird when all the Americans smiled and talked all the time!

All in all, I hate how bitch-y those girls in ANTM get. Is it so hard just to coexist?
I hope that Marjorie keeps doing well, she is working her self-confidence and she has that high-fashion look!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by armi
Sheena is so pretty and fierce!, but I hated it when she and Samantha didn't even try to understand Elena and Marjorie... Even though Elena and Marjorie have lived in USA for a while, they have had European raising. Europeans (especially Northern ones) aren't so bubbly and don't show their emotions like Americans.. All my friends who have visited in USA have said that it was very weird when all the Americans smiled and talked all the time!

All in all, I hate how bitch-y those girls in ANTM get. Is it so hard just to coexist?
I hope that Marjorie keeps doing well, she is working her self-confidence and she has that high-fashion look!

I said the same thing. Yes, maybe they have been in the US for 8-10 years now or whatever...but thier parents are pure Europeans who probably lived overseas for 30-40 years.

That European nature and culture is instilled in them, and living at home with European parents (even in the US) you keep your culture and that European upbringing.

Look at many immigrant familes and how they act at home, thier beliefs, traditions etc. They hold onto that. Which is GREAT!!

Just because you live in the US doesn't neccesarily make you an American. If you know what I mean.

I think Sheena was being very insenstive to that. And when she said she was ASian and blah blah, it doesn't make sense because she doesn't act like a typical Asian really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YSLGuy
I said the same thing. Yes, maybe they have been in the US for 8-10 years now or whatever...but thier parents are pure Europeans who probably lived overseas for 30-40 years.

That European nature and culture is instilled in them, and living at home with European parents (even in the US) you keep your culture and that European upbringing.

Look at many immigrant familes and how they act at home, thier beliefs, traditions etc. They hold onto that. Which is GREAT!!

Just because you live in the US doesn't neccesarily make you an American. If you know what I mean.

I think Sheena was being very insenstive to that. And when she said she was ASian and blah blah, it doesn't make sense because she doesn't act like a typical Asian really.

I honestly feel that both sides handled that inappropriately. Sometimes, it is really hard for people to understand that YES there are people that are different from you. That means Sheena and Sam need to remember that these girls were raised differently, and they should try harder to understand their differences and the implications they have on the girls action. That also means the Marjorie and Elina need to remember that the other girls are different too. NO, they dont' know how hurtful that comment is...WHY? b/c instead of explaining it to them. You just start yelling. They have to realize that, no matter how annoying its going to get after a while, you have to explain yourself. You just happen to be in the minority here, so you're level of needing to explain yourself will be high.

All in all, I really feel both sides could have made a greater effort at trying to understand the others.


Well-known member
^ I totally agree.

And hopefully that was a small clip of thier lives and just shown on tv to escalate drama. But I'm sure they probably talked it out.

Maybe the other girls will see how it really is now that they are going overseas???

The redlight photo shoot looks like it will be fun.