I also get migraines, God, they are so horrible. Because of the severity of mine, and my access to all the really good medical journals, I have done tons of research. Migraine is the ONLY type of genetic headache condition and the genetic locus for migraine is very close to the locus for epilepsy. 25% of women suffer from migraine, ranging from mild to severe. Usually migraines are characterized by unilateral pain (pain on one side of the head) and swelling of facial features, usually the eyes. Sufferers of juvenile migraine usually see symptoms lessen by the time they hit their late teens or early twenties, but most migraine sufferers see onset around 18 or 19 and, for women, this tends to continue until onset of menopause when migraine symptoms may lessen or completely disappear.
I get what is called complex migraine, there are times when my migraine is standard (nausea, vomiting, aura, dizziness) and others when I suffer from stroke-like symptoms (loss of function on one side of my body, including slurred speech and loss of muscle control in limbs) and seizures. Because of the severity and frequency of my migraines my neurologist elected to put me on Beta-blocker therapy (typically used for high blood pressure) for a few months and also forbade my use of hormonal birth control (which was a huge trigger for me). Since then I have experienced lower frequency of headaches, and when I get headaches, they don't last nearly as long. Also, if I even suspect I might be getting a migraine, I immediately take Excedrin Migraine or Aleve (depending on if my migraine was caffeine induced or not). I also have a standing prescription for Imitrex Nasal Spray, as it's the only prescription drug that actually has helped me once I'm in full blown migraine.
I really hate taking drugs, A LOT, but migraine is not something to mess with. More people die from migraine related stroke then gun shot wounds in the US each year! I also really work on avoiding my known triggers, or take them on one at a time, because it usually requires several triggers to cause migraine. Some of mine are wine, yogurt (weird huh?), chocolate (damn), lack of sleep, low blood sugar, not enough water and caffeine.