Any IBS sufferers on here?


Well-known member
Bumping this thread again. I'm having the worst attack of IBS I've had for a long time. I haven't done a solid... you know what for four weeks now. I haven't necessarily been getting pain or bloating, but as soon as I eat anything my stomach makes incredibly loud gurgling noises and I have to go the toilet.

Do you think its worth me going back to the doctors about this? I've read before that IBS generally doesn't develop into something else/worse (Chrohns etc) but I'm starting to worry. Help guys


Well-known member
IBS can be a nightmare but many doctors miss diagnose patients.

For anyone with a questionable digestive system (whether it's going to the potty too much, not regular, constant tummy issues, constant gas, etc.), examine your diet (write down what you eat). What RosenBud has mentioned above (even though it was dated many months ago), is excellent! Cutting out soda, junk food, dairy, wheat, etc, foods is the first step; i.e: Replace breads with gluten-free items (there are many gluten-free crackers, breads, cakes that taste soo good). Replace white rice with brown rice. Replace soda with water, but if that is way too extreme for you, do Crystal Light. Exercise is very important as well. You releave stress, loose wieght/tone your body and I've noticed that running helps with bowel issues.
Take a good brand of multi vitamins. You can get cheap ones like Centrum, but I would go with a higher brand. Also adding ProBiotic's is good. ProBiotic's come in many forms (yogurt, capsules, drinks, etc.)
If you need guidence, seek a naturopathic doc or even a wellness specialist. It may cost you an arm, but your being guided correctly.
Having a consistant colon cleanse; "ColonTonic" is what we call it here in Northern California. Whether you prefer to have the cleanse in a drink or tablet form. I recommend the "tube up the bum" method, lol. It's much more cleansing but it will take a few sessions. Also Detoxing, maybe not a colon cleanse & detox back to back. There are so many methods of detoxing. You can find many books & websites that have recipes available.
If all above doesn't help, seek a doc who can truely diagnose if you have IBS. But, please be advised that seeing your primary doc first would be the best. Asking questions whether it's okay for YOU to examine & detox yourself. Some people are at a higher risk of hurting themselves (due to whatever reason).

Overall, relax! I know life itself maybe stressful, but a person can only do/think about so much in a day. In the end after all the things are done above/tried, you will notice a difference within yourself. Better mind set, loose of wight, skin will look better, your menstral cycle will be better (i.e: a normal flow), breath will smell better (some people have bad breath coming from the stomach), etc.


Well-known member
4 weeks!?!?!?

Go to the doctor right this second! Having constant diarrhea is terrible for your body. You should make sure you are staying hydrated and try drinking lots of electrolytes.

I am pretty sure I have some form of IBS. My mother has Crohn's and my doc believes I have ulcerative colitis, but I, much like you try to avoid the truth of the situation all together. But you, my dear are putting your health on the line if it has gotten that bad, and you need to get your ass to your doctor ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

As far as what I do to help, I usually just suffer through constant bloating, diarrhea etc. and eat/ drink whatever I feel like since just about everything irritates my digestive system anyways. But, I have found that cutting out alcohol helps and I have been on an Activia yogurt kick lately. It really helps to "regulate" me.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for you advice guys. The thing is.. I really believe everything I eat upsets my stomach. I started a diet (I don't like calling it a diet) last week, and I've cut out everything that would typically irritate mine/someones stomach and its still continuing. Its 2:45am here and I can't sleep because I keep getting cramps and it wakes me up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
Thanks so much for you advice guys. The thing is.. I really believe everything I eat upsets my stomach. I started a diet (I don't like calling it a diet) last week, and I've cut out everything that would typically irritate mine/someones stomach and its still continuing. Its 2:45am here and I can't sleep because I keep getting cramps and it wakes me up.

Hello again! I know how you feel again right now b/c my UC is acting up and just like you, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I eat bothers my stomach. I also can eat and while I'm STILL eating, can hear my stomach start gurgling and making noises and I have to run to the bathroom. I definitely think go to the doctor. Of course, right now mine is acting up b/c I've been HORRIBLE at remembering to take my meds, but there's this one pill I used to take called Bentyl that was prescribed to me awhile back and it's an anti-spasmodic drug that keeps your stomach from spasming and it's great. Make the trip to the doctor as much as you may hate to b/c it's just going to get worse if you don't! Hope you feel better!


Well-known member
Well I did get diagnosed with Crohn's by colonoscopy and biopsy on March 12th, despite 4 months on steroids I still had active ulceration. That was my 3rd admission to hospital this year, a 4th has since followed as I had some sort of mass/blockage, got taken in through A&E one night and needed to be on IV fluids/steroids/pain relief. I suppose the only definitive way to know whether you have anything worse than IBS is a colonoscopy. If you are really struggling it might be best asking your doctor to refer you to a gastro and see if they think this is a necessary action.

I think you just know inside when something isn't right, for me that happened when I started bleeding and ultimately when I lost over a stone in 3 weeks. I spent 2 weeks in hospital before it was decided I was okay to recover at home.

I can eat about 6 things that I know are safe, so I can understand what a struggle diet is. As for the D, as I refer to it, 7-8 times a day so I can relate there too. I also suffer with really debilitating pain. I'm currently on morphine and mainly a combination of melsalazine and azathioprine for the symptoms, which has started helping. I take other medication too (anti sickness, anti-spasmodics, muscle relaxants, anti depressants etc) but those above are the main things.

I know it's easier to sometimes avoid what is going on but having a firm diagnosis, support and treatment is definitely how I prefer it.


Well-known member
I've dealt with IBS with frequent bouts of severe diarrhea since I was in my early 20's (I'm 34 now). Lots of things trigger it - stress, caffeine, oily/greasy foods, some dairy, onions, and tomatoes are some of the most serious triggers.

Two things have helped tremendously -

1) Taking an antidepressant. Since I started taking Lexapro several years ago, my IBS has gotten much better and easier to control.

2) Going on Weight Watchers. I've been on WW now for about a month, and I haven't had a bad instance of diarrhea since I began the program. I think it's because I'm eating a lot of brown rice, veggies, and lean turkey and chicken . . . and not eating a lot of the fattier things that I used to eat.

Seriously - before the antidepressants, my IBS was horrible. I often missed work on account. I had to plan every shopping trip around stores that I knew would have clean, accessible bathrooms. I often found myself speeding recklessly through traffic in an effort to make it to the nearest store with a bathroom before I s**t myself.

But now with the meds and with the change in my daily eating habits, I'm a new woman. I don't think I even have any Immodium in the house right now. I don't need it anymore.

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