I wear them all the time

I go to a college with a HUGE campus (like, it takes me about 20-30 minutes to get to most of my classes..) and I don't let it stop me from wearing them! I'm only 5'4 and my bf is 6'4 so I can wear anything and still not come close to him. I'm especially loving the high-heeled booties (like ankle boots), they're relatively comfortable but still edgy and sexy. I get a lot of either a.) approving looks from other fashion-lovers or b.) glares from girls who are jealous they're not brave enough to wear them

I don't know why they're such a scary thing to wear, I think they're a classic look but still fun and sexy!! Of course, my feet need a break every once in a while so I'll wear them at most three times during the week and usually on Saturday too.. but I did get these "foot petal" things (they're like foot pads) from Nordstrom that you put in your shoes right at the ball of the foot (that's where I get the most pain) and I can tell you it has definitely helped!!
I agree with the platform shoes, and I try to steer clear from super skinny stilettos too. I LOVE chunky heels or a basic pump.. not such a fan of super skinny stilettos on a regular basis.. they're cute but I think there's cuter options that are more comfortable too.
Just a warning though.. My mom was a ballet dancer when she was younger, so she didn't have the greatest knees to begin with, and she worked at JFK airport for five years and wore 4" heels everyday.. she's had two knee surgeries because of a torn meniscus.. and the doctor told her that the heels weren't the sole problem but DEFINITELY were a factor in exacerbating it. If you have a history of joint problems or anything.. maybe steer clear. Or you could just not care like me.. I've been ice skating for 13 years and have awful hips and knees.. But I say you only live once
My mom definitely does not approve haha.