Any LOST fans?


Well-known member
Omg ultimate cliff hanger! wtf J.J? lol Ah!! We have to wait till 2010!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Omg ultimate cliff hanger! wtf J.J? lol Ah!! We have to wait till 2010!

Totally agree! The worst or best teaser ever too...(depending on how you look at it)... an eye opening? Fantastic.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Omg ultimate cliff hanger! wtf J.J? lol Ah!! We have to wait till 2010!

I know...are you kidding me??? How can they keep us waiting that long. This show is so friggin' confusing that I'm not going to remember what went on by 2010.


Well-known member
The name of this show is so apropriate, I am so f***ing LOST in it. Haha... I still watch it, cause my hubby loves it, but half of the shit I dont understand anymore. My favorite season was the first one, I hope the last one will be as good as the first one and we gonna understand everything. lol

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I had to revive this thread because the final season is almost here...February 2nd! I hope they finally tie up all loose ends and explain everything. Can't wait!!


Well-known member
Soon we will get our LOST fix! I am hoping this last season is a mind-blower. I have been a loyal viewer since the very first episode.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I watched the 2 hour finale from last season that was on last week just to get myself caught up again. The show is so confusing and it seems like it has been off for so long that I needed a refresher!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!


Well-known member
What did everyone think of the premiere? I thought it was great, but added even more questions to the many we already had. I am looking forward to this final season, LOST has been an amazing ride, even through the low points.

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