I have always had a problem getting a red lipstick because i always ended up with something that turned into a pink once it got on my skin, and worse when it got on my lips.
I have struggled to learn about cool tones and warm tones for years because my colour is neutral cool so theoretically i should have gone for red/pink toned lipsticks, and blue based lipsticks, and in reality, my skin is yellow toned so therefore i shoud actually be going for yellow and orange based reds.
I can get into a orange and yellow based red, but the best reds have always been the blue reds. they never ever turn pink on me.
Its different with the pink. I transform into something hideous in st germain, and yet Pink nouveau looks great on me.
1.Neutral e/s: the lightest colours in any mac warm eye palette on their holiday collection are perfect.
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer: Not a blush but a MAC sculpt & shape - Lightsweep/shadester
3.Peach blush: N/A I prefer a plum blush: MAC Secret Blush
4.Red lipstick: MAC Russian Red, Ruffian Red, Such Flare, VGI, Charred Red, Riri Woo, Studded Kiss.
5.Nude lipstick: VG V
6.Pink lipstick: MAC Pink Nouveau
7.Plum lipstick : MAC VGVI