Anybody out there have PCOS?


Originally Posted by xFlossy

I'm thinking of getting a treadmill in. I might sound weird, but I'm happy doing laps of my biggish backyard. I reckon my neighborurs think I'm crazy LOL!. It's winter here at the moment and it's always raining where I live, so putting it in front of the tv or the window with my ipod seems like a good idea. I don't enjoy walking around the streets coz I get so far and think oh shit I have to walk all the way back when I've already had enough.

I'm so with you on the walking outside thing! Lol!!

We have a treadmill and I use it at least 5 times a week. I either listen to my iPod or watch tv. I love it!


Well-known member
Awesome! You have just convinced me to get one! Hahaha.

This is probably TMI but I decided to go off the pill last week and everything was going fine, until today. It's like the floodgates have opened. I am literally filling up a super tampon in just less than an hour. I'm actually really scared. I want to have Children and at this rate, I don't know if I can.


Well-known member
I know your scared, and there's nothing i can say to really comfort you, but for all the sake of the thing you'll be ok. You will have your kids! stay encouraged girl.


Well-known member
Whoa this thread exploded!

I'll have to check in with my GP again to see if she can refer me to a specialist. I need to be properly diagnosed and put on medication asap.

Oh and the thing about sweating ^^ up there....YEAH! Jeez...I thought it was just from being overweight! But then I remembered that even when I weighed 50-60lbs less (give or take) I STILL used to sweat a lot! Embarassing to say the least. I work in customer service - sweating when you're 2 feet away from a customers face is the worst.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeatherNicole
I know your scared, and there's nothing i can say to really comfort you, but for all the sake of the thing you'll be ok. You will have your kids! stay encouraged girl.

Yeah I know and thanks, the last time this happened I was exhausted all the time and I couldn't get out of bed some days. As I said to my Hubby, I think I need to get back on the pill and really start watching what I'm eating and portion control!

Is wholemeal bread ok? Or is that considered too much carbs?

I''m so glad that there are other People on this community who have this too, it''s all too easy to think your alone in all this. What's even better is that some of you share the same symptoms as me ie the sweating etc. It really made my day!

I was doing some research into pcos on google earlier and I read one story where a Woman literally had steam coming off her from the heat she was generating! Wow, poor thing
I'm glad I'm not like that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xFlossy
I was doing some research into pcos on google earlier and I read one story where a Woman literally had steam coming off her from the heat she was generating! Wow, poor thing
I'm glad I'm not like that.

Dude, I live in Canada and don't even need a winter coat sometimes. I was perfectly fine for 2 whole winters in a puffy vest! Last year, I wore two cardigans all winter long and leggings almost everyday - leg warmers over my calves if I needed them. I could be THAT woman! My non-Canadian friends are amazed at how I can take the cold so well (also helps that I'm Native-Canadian and grew up where it gets to -40 sometimes). I always blamed it on my ancestry and genetics when it came to sweating and not tolerating heat very well....I always figured it was purely environmental.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xFlossy

Is wholemeal bread ok? Or is that considered too much carbs?

You know, I have no idea on the whole diet thing, I just checked out a bunch of books from the library on insulin resistance, they didn't have anything specifically on pcos.
Any dietary tips? Basic info? I feel lost in those books.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeatherNicole
You know, I have no idea on the whole diet thing, I just checked out a bunch of books from the library on insulin resistance, they didn't have anything specifically on pcos.
Any dietary tips? Basic info? I feel lost in those books.

Try, I look up everything before I eat it there. It's a huge help. My doctor told me to get a Diabetes for dummies book ( you can get them at walmart, B&N, or anywhere that has a good selection of books). The bread is kind of a trick in a way. The carb part is ok but your body will still break it down the same way as regular bread (so not the best idea). I haven't had any bread, sugar,or potatoes in 13 days now, remember to subtract fiber from the carbs in things , you can also subtract sugar alcohols in things too. If you have any questions on the whole low carb thing feel free to pm me.


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Originally Posted by Junkie
Dude, I live in Canada and don't even need a winter coat sometimes. I was perfectly fine for 2 whole winters in a puffy vest! Last year, I wore two cardigans all winter long and leggings almost everyday - leg warmers over my calves if I needed them. I could be THAT woman! My non-Canadian friends are amazed at how I can take the cold so well (also helps that I'm Native-Canadian and grew up where it gets to -40 sometimes). I always blamed it on my ancestry and genetics when it came to sweating and not tolerating heat very well....I always figured it was purely environmental.

I am exactly the same! I don't feel the cold at all. When it's hot though is a different story. I feel sick!


Well-known member
diagnosis confirmed. I do have pcos. How do i feel, i feel fine now that I know of you guys and have support. They put me on metaformin and the cream for my hair. Here's to getting this thing under control.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeatherNicole
diagnosis confirmed. I do have pcos. How do i feel, i feel fine now that I know of you guys and have support. They put me on metaformin and the cream for my hair. Here's to getting this thing under control.

YAY! LOL...It feels so good to know exactly what's going on with your body.


Well-known member
Hi Ive been MIA here! I have been dealing with PCOS for about a decade I believe Ive had symptoms since I can remember I just never knew all connected! I was diagnosed 2 years ago I have started a thread about weightloss called recaliming myself here a while back. Check out my youtube I made a vid that explains what PCOS has caused in my life. Im in treatment and TTC =)


Well-known member
I have it as well.
I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts 4 years ago, I had pain and very heavy periods, but no other symptoms. Then, about 2 years ago I started gaining weight for no reason, breakouts all over, hair growth all over... a real nightmare. I went to my Dr and asked for the pill. She put me on it and it was great for about 7 months. My periods were less heavy, my face cleared up. However, 7 months after my period stopped.. I didn't have it for 6 months or even more, I don't really remember now but it was a long time. So my Dr started testing my hormones, testosterone was high, she sent me to the endocrinologist. She diagnosed me with PCOS, and in addition to the pill she gave me metformin. It gave me really bad stomachaches and nausea but I discovered it's better when I take it with dinner. Almost a year later, I lost about 15 lbs or so (I wasnt overweight, I was about 130-135lbs and now I'm 118 which I was before this all started). She also started me on spironolactone few months ago to help with hirsutism. I have check-ups every 3 months, they do a blood test (to make sure potassium levels are regular, because of metformin and spiro). Everything was great, my period returned etc. but when I went to my last visit, my endocrinologist was on a maternity leave so someone else saw me and she said since I lost so much (um, ok, it's not that much) weight, my PCOS is probably gone and I don't need to take metformin anymore. This really sounds dumb to me, because weight doesn't cause PCOS, it's the other way around. Or at least that's how it was in my case. So I stopped, and I'll see if I stop having my periods or start gaining weight I'll ask to go back on it.

It really sucks, there's nothing we can do about it to get rid of it once and for all. I'm also scared I won't be able to get pregnant once I come to that point in my life.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
It really sucks, there's nothing we can do about it to get rid of it once and for all. I'm also scared I won't be able to get pregnant once I come to that point in my life.

^ That sad face breaks my heart. Please please please don't waste your time worrying about the fertility issue. I did and there was ABSOLUTELY no need! I have two other friends with PCOS and neither of them had any difficulties getting pregnant either.


Well-known member
I too have PCOS and also suffer from hypothyroidism. I had my 2nd child in April and have since lost almost 60 pounds.

My endocrinologist put me on Metformin (glucophage) for the PCOS and it has been amazing.

It sucks and is very frustrating. I have to work out 10 times harder and more often than a normal person and have to watch what I eat, in order to lose weight. The weight is coming off, though. Also, I bloat VERY easily...If I have one diet soda, I have to drink about 24 ounces of water to keep from feeling bloated and weird.

I think with PCOS you really have to be in tune with your body and know how anything and everything will affect you. I finally know how many calories I can consume on days I work out and days I don't work out...I know I can splurge once or twice a week, only if I make it up at the gym.

I totally get the always being hot thing too! I keep the air condition in my house on 63 at night and 65 during the day. I can't stand to be the least bit warm, especially my feet. When I get hot and sweaty I turn into the crankiest bitch you will ever meet, lol. I'm also one of those people who do not wear big winter coats when it's 10 degrees outside and 10 inches of snow on the ground.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Paperfishies I totally agree with you. It is all about being in tune with our bodies. I have totally become more in tune with mine since finding out I had PCOS. I too have hypothyrodism which I just found out a few months ago which explains a lot. I have been able to lose weight but I found that my body goes in cycle I went from200 to 143 in about a year and bow am stuck at thta weight no matter what I do. I would like to be 130s ideally. Mostly for trying to get pregnant I think I would increase my chances.

I was told I was infertile and its proven to be true since my hubby and I have been TTC or trying to concieve for a while. Its ok though I have great faith it will happen when its meant to happen. I took a noncoventional route I suppose I am getting treated by a ND natural doctor so far its going great! I feel like I use to feel before PCOS took over my life. I no longer am a grinch , sluggish or depressed. I've had 3 normal cycles so far since my new treatment which started in late May and my acne is under control. This month was awesome my first period in a long time the I didn t feel like a fountain of blood that has to basically be on bed rest because of how extremely heavy my flow was. I'm happy overall.

Its a tough battle but when the going get tough the tough get going. I know its frustrating to feel like your body , weight and acne are out of control but with a proper treatment things get better.

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