Anyone else feel like MAC is really for under 30 crowd?


Im almost 41 and last summer got tuned into MAC. Since then unfortunately
its become an obsession. I've spent alot of money at my local counter. All the SA's are very nice and always say hi whether they're waiting on me or not.

Still, I get the feeling Im really too old to be there. I've always been trendy and willing to try new fashion ideas - results are mixed
but I really feel like they think I'm too old to always be buying. Last weekend I bought from there Sat, Sun & Monday! I'm thinking of going back today to build up my lippie collection...because I'm bumming that MAC e/s seem to be giving me an allergic reaction..Nocturnelle and bordeauline liner made me look like I had an eye I probably have to stay away from MAC e/s completely... and I've spent literally hundreds on them!


Well-known member
I think MAC is for everyone...all ages, colors, shapes and sizes. Really, it's all about your attitude.

There's no WAY you're too old! My mom is 47 and wears MAC


Well-known member
i dont think your old at all. hell i am 37yrs old and rock a lot of colors by mac. i think that i cant wear certain products and eyeshadow combos that i see some girls wear becuz i think i am to old, like i cant do a bright rainbow eyeshadow look but others can and its soo pretty and they appear to be much much younger than me. i cant do the dewy, glow look becuz of the hyperpigment skin on my cheeks; and i dont think the glitter eyeliners are for me either becuz of my age, but frankly i dont really care for them. makeup is art and its what you make of it to fit your personal style. i have since ventured out to adding more lip colors like you so its a matter of preference. take care of the eye issue asap so that it doesnt get worse.


Well-known member
I'm going to be 45 on the 12th and I don't feel too old to be wearing MAC. There are some products I pass on because I feel they are for the younger set, but there's still plenty for us "mature" gals. Life is short. Enjoy MAC and don't worry about what the SAs may be thinking.


Aww, you guys are so nice, yep wallet is definately lighter since lunchtime. I made good on my promise and got 3 lippies 2 lacquers and a lip pencil, I don't think there is anything else I need... but you never know..


Well-known member
I'm 51 and wear MAC; will be 52 in a couple of months. I love the bright es colors and how they are are deeply pigmented. I have collected quite the es and lippie wardrobe and have never looked back. In addition, I've only been wearing MAC since Feb '06. So I know all about the money-spending!

If they're still in business when I'm 70, I'll still be wearing it. GO MAC!!!


Well-known member
I seriously doubt the MAs think you are too old to be in there!
MAC has customers from all walks of life, and most of us MAs love the variety.

As far as the eye sitch goes, do you get irritation from MAC e/s colors that do not contain red? I wonder if you have a red dye sensitivity.


Well-known member
MAC doesn't necessarily = wild crazy makeup and colors.
Every collection has something for almost everyone.


Well-known member
I'm 26, and I'd hate it if i only had 4 years left to enjoy MAC!! As far as I'm concerned, it's for all ages, really. Whether we realize it or not, we do tend to change our makeup as we age, but that doesn't mean it can't still be MAC.


Well-known member
MAC has something for everyone. Take Zandra Rhodes (the coolest older woman I have ever seen) for example. The woman is probably in her 60s and she has bright pink hair, and wears Morange lipstick. Anyway, whether you go for bird of paradise or neutral colours, makeup is timeless.


Well-known member
my mother is 67 and you better believe she rocks her MAC! she doesn't wear the bright colors like i do, but she still works. it. out.
you're never too old for MAC - remember, all ages, all races, all sexes


Well-known member
Not too old. I'm 32 and totally plan to be wearing it well into my 40s and beyond


Well-known member
One of the SA's at my counter is 35.. My mum is 48 this year and she wears MAC too.
I will definitely be rocking MAC until I am dead. And when I am dead I will make sure they use MAC on my face at the funeral home

Viva MAC!


Active member
There is no way in the world you are too old... We get customers well past their 50's and 60's. At the first counter I worked at a few years ago 3 of the 9 artists were in their 40's.... I've met other MA's that are in their late 40's early 50's!!!
Look at the Beauty Icons MAC has had in the past few years! (Catherine Denuve, Rachel Welch, Diana Ross....etc... all well past their 40's)
And how about the two cute little ladies that modeled for the Originals colorstory - they are in their 90's!
I'm going to be just like them!!! lol!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MacArtistFauryn
Look at the Beauty Icons MAC has had in the past few years! (Catherine Denuve, Rachel Welch, Diana Ross....etc... all well past their 40's)

Did you notice how airbrushed/photoshopped they were though? I hardly recognized Diana Ross.

However, getting back to the original question... I am older than you, yoganut0367. I've been wearing MAC since 1985 and have never felt too old for it. I've always loved neutrals and a natural look, and MAC has plenty of that for me.

The MAs are all very young, but very helpful whenever I have a question. They never try and push me to wear a glitter, strong colour or sparkle either.

I can't wear any eye shadow with a bit of blue in it. Those e/s give me an eye infection with lots of redness and goo. At least you only look like you have an allergic reaction.
I have them for real.


Well-known member
I don't think M.A.C. is for a specific age group, but I have known women over shall I say specific age group that didn't go to their business due to the loud music. They thought it was for the more youthful crowd. I told them, "No way. Please, go check it out."

At the other makeup counters the SA's constantly complain about being near the M.A.C. counter, because of the music. They said they leave everyday with a headache. I looked over at the M.A.C. counter and the MA's were smiling and rocking to the music.

I guess they are enjoying it. I never really realize the how loud it is. I am always with a list and a mission.


Well-known member
not even close to too old for MAC! my mama switched from Estee when my obsession started haha. She's in her 50s and wears purples (green eyes)
And looks hella beautiful doing it!

As far as Nocturnelle causing problems for your eyes ... the same thing happens to me when I wear purples (although only sometimes). It's the dye they use in them I believe. Try (if you want to try again) using a paint pot or some other base underneath, that usually helps me!