Anyone else with bad skin find it harder to enjoy makeup?


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Originally Posted by cno64
I think this is right; your "imperfections" are magnified in your own eyes, so you're actually not seeing what others see. For some reason, we women seem to tend to have an unrealistically poor perception of our own appearance. In other words, we look better than we think we do.
For example, a friend of mine is always raving about my "creamy skin," and there are times when I think my skin looks downright wretched.
All that to say: I'd be almost willing to bet that your skin looks lots better than you think it does. If it bothers you, though, by all means do something about it. Healthier skin can only be good.

I have to agree with this. I see so many ladies post FOTDs and they're talking about bags, circles, having to wear foundation and I'm like, "Where?".
I think my skin looks bad, but I don't pile products on because I'm not experienced with face products and I'm not even interested in them. All I wear is Natural MSF and people compliment me on my "good skin". I just don't see it.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I have to agree with this. I see so many ladies post FOTDs and they're talking about bags, circles, having to wear foundation and I'm like, "Where?".
I think my skin looks bad, but I don't pile products on because I'm not experienced with face products and I'm not even interested in them. All I wear is Natural MSF and people compliment me on my "good skin". I just don't see it.....

Me too! I can't see the problems either on the FOTDs. I just see everyone with really nice skin.

Last week an MA was putting foundation on me and told me I had 'quite nice skin'. I was quite shocked! After all, I scrutinise it nearly every day in my magnifying mirror lol, and can only see what I think is wrong with it. Maybe I should just throw that thing away, because who else is looking at me like that?! No one.


Well-known member
I don't have acne and my skin is overall pretty clear so I am lucky. The thing that frustrates me is that my eyes are really sensitive and watery so often after a few hours of wearing eye makeup, it tends to get all smudged and smeared, especially on the corners of the eyes. That is really annoying.


Well-known member
im having horrific skin problems at the moment

i had fairly good skin as a teenager, just the occassional spot, nothing serious. just recently, in my mid 20's, i've broken out something horrible and it just won't go away. i've tried so much - medicated creams, tea tree oil, good skincare... nothing is working. theses cystic bumps just won't go away.

it has certainly affected my makeup application - i am not putting as much effort into it as i used to. i feel like it's not really worth it.


Active member
i've always have acne here and there and when i put on makeup, it does make me feel better but when im in the sun, it shows. i remember when i had clear skin, it was when i was on retin-a micro. i swear by that. i stopped because i don't go to dermatologist because the medicine was from my sister. now i'm using home remidies which makes my skin better than before but i have scarring which i need to get rid of...


Well-known member
If scars are your problem I think getting something with Glycolic acid in it (8% usually) and put them on the scar spots might help.. I don't have permanent scars, but whenever I get a red mark from a pimple that fades into a brown scar and takes forever to heal, using the Glycolic acid cream on it really speeds up the healing..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lolita
My skin overall is ok... but my eye skin is bad.. I'm only 20 but my eyes look older -- I dont have wrinkles, but my eyelids are a bit crepey and underneath my eyes are almost reptile skin looking because my skin is so thin there. Its really frustrating because I have a crappy canvas to apply eye makeup to, so it never really looks great. Bases/concealer just accentuate it. ARGH!

This is my EXACT problem - crepey lids at 32... I moisturize and use eye cream and go nuts trying to have nicer eyelids but nothing really works. And when you love eye makeup, it makes it very difficult because you never have a nice base upon which to work. Sort of a big old wobbly mess up there lol.


Well-known member
Girl, I know exactly how that feels, I have been there, and I have just walked out of there. My secret is, a healthy diet with tons of water, nutritious food, sleep, and exercises will save your skin. Also, good skincare will help too. Do not spent too much money on makeup before you have paid enough to get good skin; that means a healthy lifestyle and adequate skincare. That is my advise and two cents.


Well-known member
I can totally relate to this thread. Thank God I am finally going to a derm. My skin has improved so much, way more than with any over-the-counter products. Light chemical peels have helped past scars enough to where I can fake perfect skin with makeup. I have only had 2 so far, but I'm hoping eventually I'll feel comfortable, wait not just comfy, but pretty with no makeup on my skin. I used to be so depressed when my skin was really bad. My bf and I were under a lot stress and my skin just reacts to stress. He is gorgeous so it was hard to even look at him without makeup on (we live together!).

The two things that have improved my skin the most are the dermatologist and being happy and stress fee. I highly suggest putting aside the money for a dermatologist rather than spending on more makeup. You will thank yourself so much, I promise. Going to the derm has in turn made me feel less stressed. It felt good to finally do something about it and see my skin improve dramatically. Less stress, better skin!!!

Oh and drink lots of water!! Gotta flush out those toxins...


It's all about skincare and taking care of yourself first, and knowing what is in your makeup! Look at the ingredients, is there toxic chemicals in there that ur skin is reacting to. Maybe you should try a more gentler foundation and concealer and let ur skin breathe. Because that foundation does get absorbed into our skin and the chemicals in it. Drinking water does help flush out impurities in your skin too.


Well-known member
my skin has recently started to get really horrible... breaking out constantly, scars, etc. i just want to cry every time i look at it
it's getting more difficult to cover up, and if i do something bold on my eyes my face just looks 10 times more disgusting. i've been using proactive for about 2 years, and whenever i try something else, it doesn't get better. people tell me i'm always in a bad mood lately, well can you blame me?


Active member
I know exactly how you feel, trust me. I have to put on so much makeup just to cover my scars. I have an olive-y tone, so my scars are dark (like most are dark brown/almost black) and with my fair skin it's a pain to try and cover. And it's not just a couple, it's a TON. It has gotten so bad to the point where I can't see anyone who's not immediate family without makeup on. I'd love to wear blush and all that fun stuff but it would cause my makeup to move, so basically it's hopeless. =\


Well-known member
I've definitely felt that way. For a period, I had full blown acne and I was very insecure with applying makeup. I didn't like to wear any dramatic makeup like bold eyes or lips. Nothing obvious because many judgmental individuals in regards to makeup will assume that people's skin are bad because of the "layers of makeup" they are wearing. I remember someone maybe on here or somewhere else on the internet talking about how some MAC artists having "crater faces" and acne and it was probably because of all the makeup they wear. I didn't want to draw more attention to my face so I shied away from the looks I really wanted to wear.


Well-known member
Yes, I understand this completely. I used to have really severe acne and I still (3 years later) have residual redness. I don't have too many scars, especially considering the immense amount of acne that I used to have. The residual redness makes me feel like I need to wear more foundation, and I don't wear blush much because it reminds me of the redness.


Well-known member
I started to breakout before all the people I know (I think it was at 9) and since then (now I'm 26) it has been a non-stop. At least now I just breakout with my period... but I have huge pores... tones of scars... you all now that... :p plus super oily skin, really, it's so damn oily but guess what? I enjoy makeup anyways hahaha I just keep my blotting papers near and do some concealing... my skin never looks perfect but well at least is not that bad! haha at summer sometimes I do not even use concealer, my studio fix and I'm good to go

I agree 100% with those who said that we see our own flaws worse than others see it


Well-known member
I feel your pain (so much so that I'm teary eyed right now). I have very oily/acne prone skin and none of these over the counter cleansers or creams work. NONE! Right now I just was my face with Basis sensitive skin bar and put on sunscreen because nothing works. And seriously, how much water does a person need to drink. If I'm not drinking water, its either orange juice, or green tea (no sugar, no honey, just straight green tea). My skin is worse now then when I was a teenager (will be 30 this year) and I think the fact that I look at my skin and stress makes my condition even worse.



Well-known member
I drink enough fluids, I wash/cleanse my face often but I am in dire need of a new line of concealer and foundation because MAC and I have been at war for ages. I love their products and have been so loyal that I covered up the mess with the products that were causing the mess. Tip of nose, sides of nose meeting face and cheek area are prone to dry patches despite being cleaned often. I stayed too long despite knowing what it was doing and now I'm clueless about what brand to turn to that would be better for sensitive skin which wasn't the case up to 9 months ago. If anybody has any knowledge about other lines that they've had success with, please let me know as I'm completely at a loss. There's an area around my eye that has 3 small scars from an attack and I hate not having it covered as I'm really self conscious about it. I don't hate my makeup because I can't even leave the house without would probably pass out if I did.


Well-known member
My skin looks a lot better than it did 3 years ago. I am 20 now and at one point my skin was covered with mild/moderate acne bordering on severe. A combination of several of OTC products and patience and my skin finally looks normal. It is definitely a lot easier to enjoy makeup when your skin is clear.

I know many girls who have acne and can't wear bronzer/blush like the rest of us. They can't contour either - those steps require blending. When you're trying to cover up acne with concealer and foundation, the last thing you want to do is blend because it makes your concealer rub off. Not to mention highlighters -- a shimmery product can make bumps look worse than they really are.

It also becomes very tricky when handling brushes and certain m/u products. It's easier to contaminate products when you have open wounds/blemishes on the skin.

yep. acne is no fun!


Well-known member
After many years of battling I got my acne under control a while back (after FIVE separate courses of Accutane, mind you!)... my main issue now is very very oily skin. I think when I say "oily skin" many women don't relate, as they consider "oily" to be maybe needing to blot a couple of times a day. My skin needs blotting on a very regular basis (after 2 hours it begins to get quite uncomfortable - I usually blot every 1.5 hours if I can).

Some days I really really wish I could just throw on whatever makeup I wanted and not have to worry about it all sliding off my face before the end of the day.. it's really one of the things that holds me back from wearing and experimenting with makeup more, because I don't want to look like an oily, silly mess


Active member
I have oily acne prone skin, I tend to use a simple mineral powder for my face. Foundations just exacerbate the problem. It's maddening.