Anyone Going to Markham Training??


I know this might be a long shot, but I got hired for a holiday contract (i'm hoping to stay after) I'm going to Markham (ontario, Canada) for training on November 22. Is anyone else???


Well-known member
I'm waiting to hear back....

Hi! Congrats! I am waiting to hear back from the MAC store at Scarborough Town Centre. I had interviewed with the Bay there also, but was unable to work the full time hours they needed. Is the training on the 22nd? I thought the days they gave were the 24th or 25th.


The sheet I have says the 22nd or 23rd, But i imagine there is training there all the time. Good luck on getting the job!!!!!!! Keep me updated!!


Well-known member
What a process!

Hi, I didn't get the contract position at STC at the Bay or the store and was pretty bummed all afternoon until I got a call from another MAC store near me looking for a permanent part time employee. I have an interview this week. I am not getting my hopes up though. This whole process so far has taken 1 month since my group interview. So, so far I have had 4 interviews, been rejected twice and waiting for the 5th interview and third outcome....let's see what happens.


Hey Shabdebaz, don't let it get you down, if you look at the thread I started "Help MAC prime look" you will see that I am going through the same thing. I thought that this was unusual, but I have had 4 interviews and am waiting on my fifth, I talked with the MAC counter manager at Nordstroms today and she is supposed to get back to me Saturday with the date and time of my phone interview with he boss at MAC. This is after the inteview with HR at Nordstrom, the interview with the cosmetics manager, and the two make up demos for the counter manager.


Yep, It's definatly a hard place to get into. I interviewed a year ago and didn't get it, had to wait patiently for this year.


Well-known member
Kainiki, I did read your thread and thought that it was pretty amazing...that interviewing process all at the same place!! Well, at least we both know that this is a normal hiring process for MAC. I really hope you get the job. I wonder how much longer this is going to take?? Wow, viva diva, I'm really happy for you since you had to wait a whole year!! I'm also thinking of applying to FACES as a backup plan -- there is one near me that is looking for a makeup artist. It is funny that this whole hiring thing is so intense, I feel like I've applied for like a brain surgeon position or something!


Well-known member
Hi guys, I had my interview today. It went pretty well IMO, but hey, who knows? I was interviewed by the manager and the assistant manager, they were both really nice. They asked me a BUNCH of general customer service/retail type questions and said that they would get back to me by Monday/Tuesday. I think there are about 3 people in the running, so let's see what happens!


Well-known member
Viva Diva, I ended up being in your same training day on the 22nd with Michael. Who were you? I was the girl who said that I moved back recently to Toronto from Chicago.


thats awesome. I have blond hair, i was sitting closest to the kitchen. I still can't think of who you are, where were you sitting??

I was one of the ones who left early to catch the train.

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