Anyone trying Alli to lose weight?


Active member
I'm currently trying to lose a few baby weight pounds. Doing it the old fashioned way... counting calories, shrinking portions and cardio and strength exercising courtesy of Body by Glamour. I considered this drug as I saw it sold at costco but after having read all your posts I realize a few things. 1) you lose weight anyway by doing what you are forced to do when taking Alli. I say forced because I think its a little harsh to suffer with the oily runs when you might want to have a cheese burger and fries -high cal, high fat meal- one random day.

I have decided to be realistic in my weight loss, 2) can someone really cut out all the fatty foods they love forever?... French Fries, Chocolate, Pizza, Bugers, Pasta (its the sauce that kills ya) etc. Is never eating any of these dishes sustainable? In my case it's not. but for me in the end I guess its all about portion control- having the Happy meal as opposed to the Number 2 Big Mac meal and Super Sizing it. So far I'm happy with my choice of programs, if Alli users are happy with theirs that's all that matters.

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