Anyone worked at a Chanel counter or for any Nordies Counter?


New member
I was contacted by Nordstrom and they have a part time opening at the Chanel counter. I need insight on their commission structure, hours and expectations.

Even if you didn't work at the Chanel Counter any insight at other counters would be helpful.

I was seeking a position in accessories or t.b.d but HR saw that I used to work for Estee Lauder and asked about applying for a counter position.



Well-known member
With Chanel it is all about your image: they dictate what type of pantyhose you wear depending on the season, if your hair is longer than your shoulders it must be tied up with no fringes allowed, not allowed to wear any jewellery apart from a wedding ring and pearls, or chanel jewellery (ie earrings), not allowed to carry any other labels in your uniform (ie louis vuitton handbag), the list goes on! also very picky about how you gift wrap! but you do get an awesome discount off all chanel goods

but i have not worked for a nordstrom so i cant help there!


Well-known member
I inerviewed for them the other day, but I think they will discriminate against me because of my age and the fact that I have a visible tattoo and piercing, despite the fact that I said I have no problems taking out my piercings and I can cover my tattoo with make up as it's pretty small.