Apparently I look like a clown FOTD


Well-known member
no way, you look lovely! Your application is flawless! I can't imagine the customer to be looking all that fantastic if she's being rude about your makeup!


Well-known member
"Make me a bicycle clown!!!!"
sorry couldnt help it :p (from wedding crashers)
funny stuff aside, i think your face looks great! i wish i had that much talent to come up with cool eye colors like you!


Well-known member
The first thing that I thought when I saw your makeup was, "OMG she is flawless and I want her to be my MA!"

Some people are so rude!
OMG, it never slays me the horrible things people feel they have a right to say. That has to be one ugly person on the inside. People like that have to make others feel bad so they can feel good. She used you as a vessel to make her pitiful self feel good.

I just had a conversation with my 20 yo today all about karma and personal responsibility. Hold your head high. You didn't sink to her level and what goes around comes around. I believe so much in that sort of crap coming back to bite people in the butt.

I think you look beautiful and omg I wish you could do my eye shadow.

Next time I swear you just tell her "this washes off, but OMG what are YOU going to do?"

You are GAWJUS!


Well-known member
You know she probably wears only a vague unflattering light blue eyeshadow that's just everywhere (w/o contouring etc.) for eye makeup and thinks it suits her perfectly..

Actually after that incident I'd say the same thing but whatever :p

Your makeup is gorgeous, that woman's a b***h..


Well-known member
Not only are you beautiful, you have so much more class than that girl could ever hope for. And I don't think you look clown-like at all!! Its only one pop of color FFS!! Was it her first visit to MAC or something???


Well-known member
Looks great to me! Just because it wasn't a look she could pull off does not mean it looks bad or clownish, the chick was just being a..well you know, I dont wanna say it.


Well-known member
IF anything, id say you could tone down the blush a bit, BUT i still think you look gorgeous.
People can be so rude... Ive had somthin similar happen to me before. It was a couple days after halloween and I had my eyeshadow done in blues and greens, I was quite proud of it, and then up walks this guy at the bakery i worked at and he goes.. 'how many colors do you have on your eyes?...why? halloween was the other day'. wtf?
keep your head up girl


Well-known member
that is terrible and boy oh boy you must have had to bite your tongue hard. You are absolutely stunning.


Well-known member
She was the clown! Only silly people say stupid s#it like that!!! if you look like a clown you are the most gourgeous clown I've ever seen!!! To hell with the haters!!!


Well-known member
Stunning... haters are everywhere, and jealousy only shows the world how much they dislike themselves. You keep rockin' your BEAUTY!!


Active member
you make a beautiful ummm...clown??? naw chick its super cute!! only a insecure hater would think this is clown like.


Well-known member
Nyla, I enjoy the creativity you put into your looks. My personal opinion is that you wear strong colours very well and your technique is wonderful. You have such beautiful features.

Just rise above the negativity and keep on rocking your looks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForeverKrystal

OP...You look stunning!...You're have such a beautiful face!

In regards to Amity:

What you fail to realize is that not everyone is going for a "natural" look...Some people like to use their makeup as form of self expression and not as a way to blend in with the crowd! Otherwise there would be no need to vivid colors such as yellows, blues, greens, etc. in cosmetics.

Your comment was ignorant & rude. Please sit down somewhere.

I have wanted to thank several posts throughout this thread but the "thanks" button seems to be MIA ATM.

Amity, Like the other gals said, everyone has their own preferences. If you like to wear your makeup natural, fine but you can't expect everyone one else to do the same.

It never fails, though. Every time I wear a bold lip, I get a woman standing their clutching Bombshell/VGV/Politely Pink telling me not to put her in "Bright, hooker colors" . My lips are not and never will be attached to your face so don't you worry about it.

Nyla, you are a doll. Too bad you can't get one of those squeeky horns-you could dance around and blow it at her the next time she comes in.

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