Applying at MAC. Question.


Well-known member
I've been wanting to work for MAC ever since I stepped one foot into a MAC store. I put in an application about 5 months ago, but at the time they weren't hiring. Well, I went in to buy a few things a couple days ago, and curiously asked if they are hiring holiday help. The MA said they are hiring freelancers for the holidays, and gave me the number for the retail manager (they were out of applications). I called her today, but she was already gone for the day. So I'm going to call tomorrow.

I've read soo much valuable information here at Specktra (thank you guys soo much), but there's a couple things that I still haven't found an answer to.

I know this is probably a really dumb question, but what is AUS? I know it has something to do with sales, but I don't have any retail experience (I'm worried that's going to sabotage my chances to working at MAC :-/) and I want to get as much info as I possible should know about sales.

Thanks so much in advance, I'm so so so glad I found this place. You guys are truly amazing.


Well-known member
Hey hun! I definetly think if MAC is your dream then go for it. It was my dream for years and I never thought id be able to make it. I actually applied 3 times and got hired the 3rd time. third time is a charm lol. anyways just call the manager and let her know you are very interested.
Aus means average unit per sale. They give you a goal to make for the day. so lets say your goal is $500, you want to make sure you sell at least $40 or more to each customer so your aus can be high. what ruins your aus is like $14 purchases (grrrr
). also managers look at aus as a reflection of how much time you spent with customers, so lets say you have a $200 sale then the manager will know you spent time with her rather than a $14 sale that you probably didnt spend much time with. So the moral of the story is expand your sales as much as possible, link every product to another!


Well-known member
^ Thank you soo much. It makes sense now. Haha. I even tried googling it, and I kept getting stuff about Australia lol! I'm so nervous. I've been trying to memorize everything about the products, history, programs. Hopefully I'll do well if I score an interview


Well-known member
Don't be too nervous they will pick up on that right away, and see how you deal underpressure. Of course it's nerve racking! I remember my interview and several demos and before each one, I took a long deep breath and said to myself " I can do this...this is my dream and I'm going to make it come true" they do look for some kind of retail experience and you must possess fabulous c/s skills, but if you love what your selling it will come natural to you so don't worry. It is true about sales goals and AUS. You must meet your goals and at least aquire a 40 aus. I have been lucky since starting at MAC in late July. I had top AUS for August. I love the products, I wear them, and I sell them! After your hired, your sent to BASIC where you will learn all the key components in how a MAC ma is expected to present themselves and the products. It really is fun and a very valuable learning experience that you willl carry with you throughout your career with MAC! You willl do fine, just research as much as you can about the company, they will ask you what you know about MAC and what it stands for etc...... GOOD LUCK! and let us know how you make out!


Well-known member
They will also ask you about sph(sales per hout). Just giving you a heads up. I kinda know what it is but I get aus and sph mixed up so someone else can help you on that.

MAC is my dream job to. You should definitly try. Good luck!