Applying for MAC headoffice/corporate position...


Well-known member
Hi everyone!

There's an administrative PT job posting that I'm applying for at MAC. Any perks for working at head office? Thanks!


Well-known member
Hey how did you get taht job?? Because i was thinking of applying but i have no clue how to! All i know is that the head office is on Alden Rd. and the factory is on Bently. I drove by them yestersay actually. A girl at MAC told me to just phone in but im curious as to what you did!


Well-known member
Oh ya and as for perks.....i'm not sure what u'll get but an employee of my parents, her sister works at the MAC factory on Bently and she gets bags of free stuff every jaw hit the floor when i heard that! Also they get a nice discount although im not sure how much!


Well-known member
Sorry about the delayed post.
Actually I didn't end up applying because I live downtown Toronto & to get up there I would need to have access to my car all the time. And since it was only part-time it wasn't worth it (unless it was full-time) but I'm sure the perks would have been great.
I found the listing at my schools career website (University of Toronto) but you have to be a student or grad to have access.

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