Appropriate Makeup for Runway Show

Hi guys!
I just got a request to do makeup (for free, for photos) at a local runway show. This will be my first time doing makeup on anyone other than friends and family, so I'm pretty nervous!

I want to buy the Camera Ready Cosmetics kit as it seems to have everything I'll need for a deep variety of models.

Can anyone direct me in the right way? What kind of makeup is appropriate for an event such as this? How can I avoid making all the models have the same makeup?

Much thanks! Basically any tips would be wonderful.


Well-known member
Actually many times for runway shows, the models do have the same makeup per the request of the designer or key hairstylist. It's the easiest way to do it because you get them done faster. a smokey eye with glossy light pink or pale lip is usually fine. don't spend too much on your kit because you're not getting paid, and don't buy anything that you don't see yourself using in the future for other jobs. For instance, the CRC kit is good when you need to buy your kit fast for an upcoming job, but i wouldn't use their products in the future because I personally don't like them. Maybe buy their foundation kit, or cinema secrets makes a nice foundation palette for decent price, then just bring a couple eyeshadows from your own collection. just wipe off the top layer of them before you bring them and after you use them on the last model


Well-known member
Yeah that's the one, but i dont know why they list so many options, idk what that's all about. maybe try to buy it from a different site that's less confusing