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April fools tut


Well-known member
I'm sooo jealous!!! She purpoosely tried to look hideous and still looked adoreable!! Love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Oh God. I'm in love with this lady's sense of humor!

I like how she said that this was her formal, conservative, church look.XD

I don't think, even for a joke, I could make myself up to look like Mimi fell into a pile of art supplies.XD


Well-known member
the poses at the end were great.
i loved when she 'cut the crease'

and when she smiled when she put on the blush.. that got me for some reason

"your eyes are the windows to your soul"

lolol <3


Well-known member
LMAO, that was great!

I lost it when she did the lips.. hahaha
oh my god. lol. i think my favorite part was when she was like, yeah this is my everyday look my going to target, walmart, or to the doctor look...lol

the best april fools tut yet!!


Active member
I just showed this to my husband and we were both just DYING it was so fantastically hilarious! I've never watched her tutorials before, but I definitely will after this