Archie's Girls Collection must haves?


Well-known member
I only got two lipsticks: Daddy's Little Girl and Ronnie Red. I really love them both. I was first at the Pro Store when they released and I could have picked up other items but I talked myself out of them. Now I wish I would have got Strawberry Malt and Mall Madness lipglosses.


Well-known member
I got the Spoiled Rich quad, Flatter Me pearlmatte and Cream Soda blush. I WISH I had also grabbed Betty Bright and Daddy's Little Girl.


I'm NC50 and I got: Betty Bright l/s Ronnie Red l/s Boyfriend Stealer l/s Daddy's little Girl l/s Mall Madness l/g Prom Princess blush Cream Soda blush


Well-known member
I'm NW45 / Most of the items that I purchased were from Veronica.

Spoiled Rich Quad
Prom Princess
Magic Spells (Pigment)
Black Poodle (Pigment)
Boyfriend Stealer l/s
Daddy's Little Girl l/s
Mall Madness l/g
Feelin' So Good l/g

Oh, Oh, Oh l/s

Dolly Snow

I just got a few things. I've been looking for Daddy's Little Girl L/S but no luck. So when I heard my store had Mall Madness l/g I drove as fast as I could because it is the closest thing to it. I also picked up Oh Oh Oh it is such a gorgeous color on me. I got both Pearlmatte Face Powders too. This was all purchased today. My store still had the blushes and almost all the lipglasses I might go back for one more not sure which though.