They all look Ok to me except these 4 -
White - obvious fake
Blue brown - is in a fake jar
Golden Olive - sorry sweetie its also in a fake jar
Pink Opal - same as previous fake pink opal pigments we have seen in the past
And query on Vanilla? The base sticker seems wrong to me and the colour seems off as well.
The Pink Opal is part of the older series of "new" fakes and the text on the base sticker is a horrible giveaway. We saw hundreds of these on ebay always with the same lot of fake colours and liek Xqueeze_me posted this Pink Opal is from the same series as the pic with the melon she showed.
The other 3 (Golden Olive, Blue Brown, and White) are ALL in FAKE jars. Even if the pigment was close it doesnt hide the fact that the jar has manufacturing errors which show it to be fake. the Goledn Olive might look alright but its a FAKE.
The White is a horribly obvious fake - the texture of the pigment is wrong... theres a thread here I did shwoing fake white, I'll find the link for you.