Are SE brushes worth the money?


Well-known member
My basic set from 2005 is still lasting me so I can't complain, especially since it's so hard to afford a full size set. I just hope that the future ones improve a bit on quality, b/c the ones I've seen since I bought mine don't quite hold up. Other than that, they're wonderful! =D


Well-known member
Pop for the full size ones, the sets are not nearly as good. I keep hoping they will get better, maybe this season's Holiday sets will be of equal quality. I doubt it though.


Well-known member
I prefer the full size. However, I like the have multiples of the same brushes (I get lazy with washing them sometimes) so its nice to have the SE versions as backups or to use for different shades. The sets I have don't seem too different in quality compared to my full size ones.


Well-known member
I like the SE brushes, becuase when you are blind as a bat, trying to get close to a mirror, the long handeled regular brushes really get in the way


Well-known member
I looooove our SE brush sets for people who don't take makeup that serious. For addicts, definately go for the full size brushes. A lot of people are misinformed when they are told the SE brush sets are just as durable and last as long as our full sized brushes. Noottttt true what-so-ever. The full size brushes are guaranteed up to 20+ years of life, however, the SE brushes are only guaranteed to the maximum of 5 years.

But like I said, for people who don't really care and just want to play with them.. they are awesome.


Well-known member
I haven't been impressed enough to ever buy a set. I have one SE brush that I bought off someone (the 168 angled brush) and it's terrible. I never even use it because 1) the bristles are scratchy and feel like those kids watercolor brushes, and 2) the size is very awkward... too small for the face, too big for the eye.

Those on a budget should look into art store brushes, especially for taklons and synthetics. EoB at the drugstore also has some good stuff. If you're truly budgeting, you could be fine getting a fluffy face brush or two from a cosmetics brand, and buying the rest of your brushes for under $5 a pop at an art supply store. The best eye liner brushes I've ever had, I've bought for $1 and $2 at Michaels.

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